It's my birthday today and i did NOTHING.

by Aussie Oz 31 Replies latest jw friends

  • Adiva

    Happy Birthday. It's your day to . . . do NOTHING. Especially since that's what you want to do.


  • discreetslave

    Happy Birthday!!!

  • NewChapter

    Happy Birthday Aussie. I had mine this month, and I went to dinner with friends. It was pleasant and novel, but I don't think I would be upset without it. I appreciate the well wishes and the gifts--LOVE THEM---I just don't know that I'd be devastated without it.

    I was converted as an adult, so I had a lot of bdays under my belt. In my family, it was typical for the excitement to die down as we reached adulthood. Other than the occasional cake or gift, they pretty much passed without fanfare. It's just how we were.

    It was MUCH different for the kids in our family though.


  • Berengaria

    Happy Birthday Aussie!!! I'll have to keep you in mind next Oct.1 !

    It's nice to be thought of, and there is no day that signals that in us more than a birthday. I try to make sure no one in my life goes unrecognized on their birthday, even if it's just a call. My husband is one of those people who never let's a holiday or event go by without making some kind of celebration out of it. Good thing too, because tomorrow is my bday

  • NewChapter

    Awwww BEKS! I'll have to try and remember that. That's a problem I have---I've checked out for so long, I have a really hard time remembering birthdays--or planning for them. I have the problem with holidays too---they just haven't regained much meaning for me. I'm workin' on it.

  • Berengaria

    I love 'em!! I'm about to pull out the fall decor box. First Halloween, then a little tweaking for Thanksgiving. Gleeee!!!

  • NewChapter

    Oh, so not only are you an apostate, you're a pagan too!

  • AGuest

    Happy YOUR-day, dear Oz-man (peace to you!)... and TOMORROW, dear Beks (the greatest of love and peace to you!), really?? Not to usurp dear Aussie's thread, but happy your-day to YOU (in case I forgot, etc.).

    Man, a whole lot of folks born around my "time of the year" - didn't even know...

    Peace, all!

    SA, on her own...

  • cult classic
    cult classic

    Aussie Oz - Happy B-day

    Just chillin' out can be fun too.

  • nugget

    Oz Happy Birthday remember whether you choose to do nothing or makee a big deal you have a choice. Your daughter would possibly feel awkward doing a celebration since she never has been able to. Perhaps take her for a meal or movie or some other activity she would enjoy.

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