I'd pick up a rock, say here's your frickin' stone, and throw it at 'em
Did you have any Elders CO's/DO's that were "Hung up" on certain things????
by karter 63 Replies latest jw friends
One CO tried telling me not to wear a pink shirt in FS, I just laughed and ignored him.
I remember Hans Hubler, Karter. I think he may have invited himself to dinner at some stage. He voz ze Dickhead.
We used to use the stone technique in the Waikato and Otago too
Jean skirts were a deffinite no-no according to our (CO).
Any form of facial hair other than a mustache was worldly (elders/CO).
Two people in a "courtship" were not allowed to sit next to each other at the Kingdumb Hall until they were publicly engaged (elders).
Anyone that gets a 2-door car doesn't have their priorities straight and is bad association (elders).
Pokemon is demonized (elder).
Brothers that cut their hair too short are imitating the Catholic tonsure, which is bad (former elder, old+senile now).
Anyone with a goatee is trying to attract homosexual attention to their mouth hole, the same way female African gazelle's have a circular pattern around their bottoms to attract male penile attention (former elder, old+senile now).
A circuit overseer demanded a full meal for lunch, he said lunch was their big meal & they worked to hard just for sandwiches. He also hated paper plates & plasstic cutlery. He insisted he & his wife be served on normal dinnerware. He went on about pioneers dressing in business suits.
A circuit overseer embarrassed a sister by telling her there is no reason her husband should have a problem with masturbation if she was doing her part as a wife.
An elder insisted with a sister a husband can't rape his wife.
2. There was an old dude in one congregation who, when giving the Godly View of Sex and Marriage talk, said it was a good idea not to have chocolates or spices, or worcestershire sauce, before bed. "It will irritate the body openings and you will want to comfort yourself." He said brothers should sleep with their arms and hands out of the blankets so they didn't comfort themselves.
Anyone that gets a 2-door car doesn't have their priorities straight and is bad association (elders).
Yep. And if you had a sports car, you were as good as dead at the Big A.
We had a CO tell us that if we sent our kids to college, don't be suprised if they come back in "spiritual bodybags."
I was told by an elder that I dressed like a whore because I wore a spagetti strap sundress (that came down to my high shin area). The spagetti straps called too much attention to my shoulders.
Oh, and if we didn't bring our lunch to the assembly and ate out, because, you know, we're sick of being in the building for hours on end, we wished to partake of our meals with walking dead people ("worldies")
I had another CO tell my sister that her medical book (nursing school) was no better than smut and pornography.
We had a CO who had an obsession with brothers having what he termed "porcupine hairdos", which is basically just hair standing up through the application of hair gel/cream. He had a real fixation with it, and mentioned it in several of his talks whilst he was on my circuit. I think he enjoyed mentioning it because (1) it was evidently his pet hate, and (2) it raised a chuckle from the older ones in the audience. A few years later I attended a meeting in another circuit where he was the new CO. Guess what? He mentioned it again. Not surprisingly, he has since been retired - probably because he can't come up with original material.
Reading through these comments, it makes you realise how many small-minded, narrow-minded nobodies are elevated to position of power and authority within this organisation and given the freedom to boom out their inane thoughts over PA systems to simpering, sycophantic audiences.
I've been in congregations where window cleaners with huge inferiority complexes became elders and suddenly began lording it over people, relishing the opportunity for the first time in their life to be able to tell people what to do. A congregation secretary used to make me bring the monthly accounts to him when I was accounts servant and sit there silently while he added it all up himself on his calculator before dismissing me.
When another dickhead elder out on the territory concluded we'd finished a block on the map, he wouldn't tell us which block we were moving to next so we could make our own way there and be less conspicuous. He just said, "Follow me!" and began striding off. I said to him, 'Keith, can you just tell me where it is?" and he glared at me and said, "Follow me!" He loved the idea of 15 people following him down the street.
MrMonroe - you're spot on. Eldership does present a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for a nobody to become a somebody, and exercise influence over people that they wouldn't normally even dream of. The awful thing is, you don't realise how warped it all is (or how much you enjoy the power and prestige) when you actually ARE one.