Ozziepost, it sounds like that CO with the initials NB, liked to look up women’s skirts, while appearing virtuous. 🤮
Did you have any Elders CO's/DO's that were "Hung up" on certain things????
by karter 63 Replies latest jw friends
One I remember specifically by the last name of Prouton who went on a rant about women's jewelry in his "Needs of the Circuit" part. Said very pointedly that ankle bracelets were verboten. Even went to far as to mention a certain sister in the circuit who wore one and all he could think of was, "I see it and think tinkle, tinkle here comes Jezebel!"
That sister was a quite attractive women, married and had eyes only for her husband. Maybe brother CO made an inappropriate pass at her and didn't like being turned down? That woman and her husband to the best of my knowledge walked away from the JW's about that time.
Supposedly it was corrected (I doubt permanently) when a CO with a little sense left showed up. He wore non-white shirts for his talks.
Not really an urban legend. I personally know of this happening. I was just a boy in the early 60's, my father was the congregation servant at that time (he was always more balanced than others) in the congregation. One of the other "servants" brought it up during the Friday meeting with the Circuit Servant and said he felt no man should be allowed on the stage unless wearing a white shirt. The Circuit Servant at that time asked him if he truly believed it was wrong to wear a colored shirt on the stage? The complainer said "Yes". So the Circuit overseer told him, "In that case I NEVER want to see YOU wear a colored shirt on stage!"
That Sunday the C.S. showed up wearing a pink dress shirt. My father was not a liar, and I heard verification of the truth of this story from the C.S. decades later shortly before he died.
Just goes to show; give a pea brained nobody a bit of power and they'll abuse it.