We had a CO who was obsessed with everyone having their own bible, including the youngest of children. He would have an attendant march around the hall with bibles during the meeting.
Did you have any Elders CO's/DO's that were "Hung up" on certain things????
by karter 63 Replies latest jw friends
I was raised in CT where the standard rule was no denim skirts. I moved to the Southwest where denim skirts are EVERYWHERE. I kind of liked the freedom of that, actually. When I went back to CT to visit, I made sure to wear a denim skirt. :)
Did someone mention "Sideburns"?
Another issue: Highlights.... Sisters could dye or highlight their hair any old way they wanted, but the minute my brothers did blonde highlights, one elder actually took the mics from them both right as the WT was starting and told them they can't do mics because of their hair. Asshole. Later, the brother conducting the WT said he saw it all happen and was pissed.
opened toed sandals without nylons
BUT BUT BUT----JESUS wore open toed sandals without nylons!
In Hingham MA congregation, the elders would not let a brother carry the microphone unless he had a jacket. Even if it were 90 degrees and the air conditioner was broken.
And one time one of the elder's wives (an elderess) counseled me about my daughter's loud choice of dress color. My daughter was about 9 or 10 at the time. Actually what she said I am sure was a bit racist. She said "boy, with those colors you can sure tell your daughter is half puerto rican". Then she explained that too bright a color was flashy and would bring reproach on Jehovah's name???
I was like WTF? and of course I ignored her and continued to allow my daughter to wear whatever the hell she wanted!
We had a CO back in the '60s who was really creepy and seemed to be obsessed with talking about sex and the importance of avoiding temptation. He couldn't get through a talk without bringing the subject up, going into detail about how a look or a touch can lead to lustful thoughts and arousal and lead us to do sinful things which was soooo embarrassing for us teenagers sitting there in our rows next to our parents and younger siblings. His beady eyes would be on us making sure we were all listening intently to his advice and that all us young sisters were dressed modestly so as not to created lustful desires in the brothers
However, very soon after his final visit to our congregation we found out he had been disfellowshipped for having rumpy pumpy with an attractive young sister in another congregation. Oh how we all laughed
BUT BUT BUT----JESUS wore open toed sandals without nylons!
Now...now.....don't you go grieving the holy spirit you damn Jezebel!!!!!
LOL, rumpy pumpy, I love this!
Mr. Monroe: After reading your story, couldn't help the following: "Let he who is without sin, cast the first stone."