Its a way to justify tax exempt status
Why do Jehovahs Witnesses preach from house to house?
by mankkeli 34 Replies latest jw friends
Its also the best way to solidify their own faith. The slightest reception is a sure sign that Jah is guiding their efforts and any opposition evokes the good old persecution complex
darth frosty
Ahh here is the link that really brings it home
This Corporation was made legal in its already existing powers for another purpose entirely. Corporations acquire legitimacy by earning a profit.
In the case of a religious corporation the "profit" must not appear as mere monetary gain.
There has to be a public service aspect to generating millions of dollars that will escape taxation! Ordinary coporations must demonstrate to the Board of Directors that cash flow is equitable to investors and a justifiable return on investment has been made. The Watchtower Corporation had to generate a kind of marvellous "machine" you could pour money into and make it disappear in the form of the preaching work.CONSTANT EXPANSION was the key! This was a kind of maniacal pyramid scheme to grow and grow ahead of the curve of waves of $$.
Watchtower rank and file members would be used as volunteer labor staying very busy appearing to be doing something important.
What they were really doing was generating publicity which served to hide the actual purpose of the Watchtower corporation.
To the rank and file there was no Bill of Rights. The could be worked to death grinding out book and magazine sales. In fact, they had no choice but to comply since their very identity as Jehovah's Witnesses depended on demonstrations of door to door sales and hours devoted.
There are two reasons. 1) The message they bring to your door is so twisted, warped, and unlike anything you would hear in any regular church that they have to go door to door because nobody in their right mind would go to a kingdom hall on their own will to listen to this false prophesying BS. 2) They fear that they will not meet Jehovah's standards for salvation thats why they are working so hard to earn it. Just my 2. peaceALL paulnotsaul
Because the organization, the publications and the elders told them to.
The requirement to meet a monthly quota for "preaching work" weed out those who won't meekly obey every command from the leadership--first door knocking, then shunning friends and family who doesn't measure up to the Watchtower's standard of perfection, then withholding a blood transfusion a family member desperately needs, ...
Please.... i can think of over a billion reasons a year to go door to door, I'ts called dead presidents! lol
Right @GLT, because the leaders tell them to. And if someone with a penchant for controlling others wins your confidence, you're screwed.
Since reading Acts without the WT shackles, I don't agree with either 'house-to-house' quote's application. They're misunderstood or misaplied (Rutherford, you prick).
Acts 4:32 the multitude of those who had believed ... 33 Also, with great power the apostles continued giving forth the witness concerning the resurrection of the Lord Jesus;
Acts 5:12 Moreover, through the hands of the apostles many signs and portents continued to occur among the people; and they were all with one accord in Sol´o·mon’s colonnade. 13 True, not a one of the others had the courage to join himself to them;
Acts 5:41 These, therefore, went their way from before the San´he·drin, rejoicing because they [the apostles] had been counted worthy to be dishonored in behalf of his name. 42 And every day in the temple and from house to house they [the apostles] continued without letup teaching and declaring the good news about the Christ, Jesus.
It seems clear to me none of the multitude were involved in preaching in any form whatsoever. The apostles were just making home visits on the disciples. Something similar applies at Acts 20:20.
JWs go door to door because they HAVE to, because they are pressured and bullied into going. If they passed a decree tomorrow that it wasn't a requirement for salvation, no one would go out. The door to door work is part of the Watchtower's definition of 'works'.
They have to go because it's how the money flows. JWs pay donate for the mags, then they have to fill out a time card as to how much time they spent handing them out and how many they handed out. The bold ones even ask the householder for donations.
They think they are fulfilling scripture when all they are doing is killing trees, wasting time and energy, and filling up recycling bins.
1. To buy salvation with good works.
2. To make JWs feel unworthy, and uncertain about their salvation at Armageddon, because they all feel they're never doing enough.
3. By forcing Witnesses to go and tell other people about the religion's beliefs, it forces them to believe it themselves.
4. It's a means of discerning which among them is "spiritual" and obedient to the organisation.
5. To save their own backsides by "showing love" and "warning the world" of impending destruction.
6. To demonstrate to their brethren how righteous and self-sacrificing they are.
Few Witnesses actually care about the people they witness to. They do it because they have to, and do only as much as they need to in order to put an acceptable figure on their monthly report.
As they are told to bring the message of the WTBTS it reinforces their message through repitition. It also occupies more of their time instead of examining the original message.