QUENDI - I think you are 110% correct in your assessment. I am just hoping that in their desperation that start coming out with really whacky shit that wakes my family up....
C.O. Jonsson's response to Watchtower's latest 607 articles
by wannabefree 73 Replies latest watchtower bible
Unfortunately, fully indoctrinated JWS will absorb any information by the WTS. with ingrained support, whatever gets put to print .
They've been indoctrinated as such to support this organization or else.
This is where the WTS was devious in creating its own self sustaining power as well as to further the commercial success of its publications.
I think the issue isn't 1914 as much as it is 1919, when the JW were supposedly CHOSEN by Christ.
Could you think of a better way to lure people to your publications as well as to cultivate self imposing empowerment.
Knowing human psychology the answer should be quite obvious.
It's true the issue is 1919 but IMO most JWs don't even clue in on 1919 as an important date. It is a date GB needs to keep their authority over R&F but 607 is the cornerstone of the cult. Without 607 you don't have 1914 nor 1919. You don't have the last days nor the ever nearing Armageddon. And you don't have a God's Chosen Borg which means these old fucks in Brooklyn cannot dictate their BS to the 7million followers.
Good point diamonddiiz ,
You could say that 1914 is the foundational corner stone doctrine of the whole organization,
pull that out and all the rest comes tumbling down.
Quite frankly I personally think they are getting a bit concerned about this equivocally important date because they are getting close to 100
years from it. The reason for their recent generation change over and their own constant postulating about how THEY
are preaching the " Truth " . How long can they make themselves look valid is anybodies guess.
There are many dropping out of the organization now simply on this one misappropriated doctrine.
I've read the Jonsson piece. I won't pretend that I understand all the detail, but he gives very sound evidence that the WTS has distorted and misrepresented the views of outside experts to push their own position. I'm intrigued by his reference to the article being written in collaboration with Rolf Furuli, from Oslo, Norway. Is he a JW too?
Bungi Bill
Rolf Furuli is a JW - one of the very few who rate as a "scholar" of anything.
Before too much be read into his input ref. the 607 / 587 issue, Rolf Furuli is a lecturer in Semitic Languages at Oslo University - and his area of expertise is in Ancient Languages:
- his area of expertise is NOT in ancient history, chronology, archeology or astronomy; i.e. in any of the disciplines that would give his opinion any weight in arguing for 607 BC over 587 BC.
Russell taught that Jesus returned invisibly in 1874.
Later, Rutherford changed it to 1914.
This means that based on the WTS' own position, Russell mistakenly believed that Jesus was invisibly present and guiding him for 40 years.
I have brought this to the attention of a number of JWs.
It doesn't faze them at all.
They just shrug it off as the light getting brighter and brighter.
So if the GB simply stops mentioning 1914, what percentage of JWs would stay anyway because of other doctrines or because they think there is nowhere else to go?
Wow! I just became aware of the very recent Watchtower article: "When Was Ancient Jerusalem Destroyed?" I said to myself, "Boy, I hope someone who has researched this topic would post a rebuttal." And, behold, a detailed thoroughly researched response was provided on JWN - with Freeminds bringing my attention to this in the Net Soup section!
In my JW days (for more than two decades as a VERY loyal JW with many congregation responsibilities), I would have blown off this rebuttal. First, I would have said to myself, "Well, the WTS set things right with erroneous teachings like the trinity, hell-fire, etc., so why would they be wrong about such an important point - the date of the destruction of Jerusalem?" And, I would have reasoned, well, at least we use the Bible to arrive at this date!
However, in 1995, I learned that the WTS was wrong about their long-held interpretation of "the generation", albeit they did make some small tweaks to it over the decades preceeding that major change in understanding (or should I say interpretation) in 1995. This was the beginning of my enlightment. I was starting to see something that I didn't realise, seeing that I was always thought that God's spirit directs the Governing body, and that realization was this: The Governing Body "interprets" the Bible! (Boy, was that a revelation to me!) Subsequently, I watched in amazement when the WTS continued to make huge changes in their understanding of what "the generation" means. (This proved to me that there's NO WAY that God's spirit is directing them BECAUSE how could God's spirit be so wrong about previous teachings?) This all caused me to read as much as I could on the internet about Jehovah's Witnesses (including their history) and it was all over for me. It became clear to me that this organization is not who the say they are ("God's only earthly organization - the [so-called] truth."). btw: These web-sites helped me with this conclusion: FREEMINDS, JWFACTS, SILENTLAMBS, YOUTUBE (esp. videos by Propaganda Techniques and Watchtower Comments) - not to mention this JWN board.
While reading through the PDF file from C.O. Jonsson, something became very obvious to me. It re-inforces what I have already concluded. If God can't produce a book that can be comprehended by the "average Joe", something is seriously wrong. Unfortunately, this has lead to many centuries - if not melleniums of various men (and groups) coming along and saying, "Come with me, I understand what the Bible means - I"ll explain it to you."
Unfortunately, the Bible has caused more division, then it has caused unity - just count the number of religions and sects that have been produced as a result of ONE book - most believing that they alone have "the truth"! If God was to speak with me and ask me why I don't believe in the Bible as "his word", I would have concrete proof that there is no reason for me to believe it is his word because a loving God would produce a book that could be understood by anyone with sincerity of heart.
I'm so disappointed in this religion because they have such a hard time admitting when they are wrong! However, they'll be quick to point out the "wrongs" in every other religion. Isn't it interesting that they have printed statements like this, concerning pride, "Do you put others down so as to elevate yourself?" And, that my friends is a question for the Governing Body - the leaders of this man-made religion!
Finally, this enlightment has called into mind the actual belief in a loving Creator. (If you were a loving God, is there really any reason good enough NOT to remedy the suffering in this world?)