C.O. Jonsson's response to Watchtower's latest 607 articles
by wannabefree 73 Replies latest watchtower bible
Greybeard: " I try to follow threads like this and marvel at those who can actually understand all of it. I thought C. O Jonsson had it all nailed down until Larsinger popped into this thread. I don't think anyone can figure it all out. Sorry Larsinger but to me, you sound a little nutty when you say the GB was DFed in 1992. As if God was actually using these false prophets up until then? They are the "Man on Lawlessness"?"
It might sound nutty if you don't follow the scriptures closely. For instance, one parable shows Jesus coming and investing monies to ten slaves. Then he leaves for a while to gain "kingly power." When he returns he inspects the slaves and see what kind of business they had done. But one of the slaves was sluggish and instead of doing business or even putting the coin in the bank to get interest, he just buried it and returned it to his master. The master was not pleased and dismissed the slave as being evil and sluggish.
If you apply the "evil slave" to the WTS then per this parable there is a time when he was an entrusted slave doing the Lord's work along with the other 9 slaves. But then at the time of inspection when the Lord returns, this one slave is condemned, ousted, "disfellowshipped."
The ten slaves were sent out in 1914. They were to work for a period of 11 hours. Each half hour is 3.5 years so 1 hour is 7 years. 11 hours is 77 years, thus from 1914 to 1991. The "last hour" is when the evil slave and the "man of lawlessness" is exposed. The "last hour" or 12th hour is from 1991-1998. But the "man of lawlessness" must be exposed before the 2nd coming per 2 Thess 2. The GB was disfellowshipped by an anointed "watchman" on November 10, 1992, to fulfill the 1290 days. The second coming occurred on December 25, 1992, exactly 45 days later to fulfill another interpretation of the "1335 days." They were sent a letter informing them they would be cast into spiritual darkness and now we are seeing this with the 607 BCE fiasco, etc.
Anyway, everything that has happened has been prophesied and is covered in scripture, even the idea that God would use an imperfect organization for a while and then correct it later. This is most reflected in the parable of the wheat and weeds, which represents the WTS. Good seed of wheat was planted in this budding organization then Satan came in and planted weeds. When the wheat began to sprout, meaning when the organization started to be established, lo and behold! there were weeds in the organization. This was noted in 1917 when the WTS officially began creature worship and started teaching that CT Russell was the "FDS" via the abdominable "7th Volume" of SIS. This is when the "weeds" were noted in the organization. But if God tried to remove the weeds at this time, some of the wheat might be plucked up too. So the decision was made to LET THE WHEAT AND WEEDS GROW TOGETHER until the harvest. This answers your question about how Jehovah could use a false organization for a while and only disfellowship it later. This was all prophesied. The WTS would be an organization mixed with wheat and weeds. Truth and inaccuracy, until the "harest." which takes place during the "last hour" when Christ comes to inspect the slaves and seal the elect.
So up until November 10, 1992, Jehovah still recognized the WTS and there were still sheep being gathered to this organization. But after Christ arrives he takes out the "little flock" from this organization and bring them to "other sheep not of this fold" where he is collecting the elect, that is, via the work of the other 9 slaves. ETC.
I know you will have more question, but you can see how this is well covered in scriptures. An organization with both wheat and weeds for a while would be used by God so the good would not be scattered. But now we are well into approaching Armageddon. The elect have been sealed and the true Christians in the WTS removed, spiritually speaking.
Of course, there is a lot more to this and th4e average person will never think the WTS fulfilled anything specific in the Bible, so it matters little. What is important is that Bible prophecy has been fulfilled and this was prophesied, that is, that the "man of lawlessess" would rise up in God's own house, which is the WTS. The public anointed ones with the WTS represent the public temple organization within Christendom. Just as the tribe of Levi served a special holy purpose as God's temple tribe, likewise within Christendom one sect would be the "temple" sect and that sect is none other than JWS, at least up until November 10, 1992. That's when the GB was disfellowshipped and the MOL revealed. But officially, the Jews and JWs served their covenant periods up until the fall of 1996--another discussion.
It's late to fill in all the blanks for you, but all what I said was prophesied in scripture.
Sorry Larsinger but to me, you sound a little nutty when you say the GB was DFed in 1992. ... Now you yourself sound as if you are a prophet making claims.
No mere prophet, oh no. Perhaps this thread will help explain to you where our Lars is coming from:, paying particular attention to his post #933.