welcome x
I've lurked a long time: JW's produce some of the most paranoid humans
by Unlearn 105 Replies latest jw friends
nancy drew
Welcome The jw experience is a unique one and here you can find people who understand the control it exerts and the struggle to find yourself. I did not grow up with it so leaving was somewhat easier although still challenging so we all look forward to your thoughts and you'll find that freedom of thought is worth it.
Welcome Unlearn. You and the Missus out together..that's GREAT!
It's natural to be paranoid because it isn't unfounded. They do hound you, they do! I've got letters to prove it.
Found Sheep
Welcome to life!!! Thanks for your post! It's nice to see a high up get out! they all have hope!FS
Welcome & congratulations to you & your wife!!!
Welcome, at last ! looking forward to more contributions from your good self Sir !
Welcome to the Board! I was once a lurker like you were. When I finally got the courage to first sign up and make my first post (sounds so silly now), I felt my heart thumping. You would have thought I was giving a presidential speech and the whole world was watching! I do agree that the religion makes people there feel paranoid and certainly this is not good for anybody's mental health. Oh, I also felt that the religion's joining the U.N. was a major betrayal. This and other scandals shocked me to no end.
I liken what happened to me in the religion as being like the story of the frog in the pot of cool water that was slowly boiled to death. The frog would have immediately jumped out of hot water. But, the water got hot slowly and so the frog was then too overcome by the heat to jump out.
Looking back now with 100% hindsight it is easy to see this. It is wonderful to be OUT of there!
breakfast of champions
Enjoyed reading some more of your insights. I have felt very similarly.
Relate especially to those pesky logical ideas that eat away at you over time! Reminded me of one the the Book of Mormon the Musical songs, I think it's "Turn It Off." Give it a listen.
Only thing that doesn't resonate is family study. My wife and I have always done this independently. I think we're at the point now where she definitely would not want me to "study" with her, because she knows I know "the real truth" and I could easily tear the house of cards down.Again, great experience, and good luck!
Unlearn, as a former Presiding Overseer, CA an DO speakr, Bethel Elder I REALLY feel you brother! Nothing like practicing your DO orCO part and then rolling home listening to Snoop Dogg and Doctor Dre encouraging me to drink gin and juice or letting me that it Nothing but a G Thang!
It took me eight years to finally leave. I was in psychiatric ward three times before an old friend who is an ex-Witness herself helped me see that it was the double life of super elder and closet liberal that was messing with my mind. The "truth" was making me mentally diseased!
I am free and happy now. And my ex-Witness friend that helped me...she is now the love of my life!
Be cool brother!