Very mature yourself Mrs. Jones. The point is, it is wrong for a 20 year old man to marry a 15 year old GIRL. No he cannot change it. What's done is done. It happened to turn out for them. Oh joy. However, when he was telling his story his writing of the account was creepy and he was not ashamed at all. He thinks what he did is perfectly fine. That is what I have a problem with. Especially when he said he wanted "to make the freckled faced girl his WOMAN." Eeeewwwww.
A Woman, A Woman - Oh What Can She Be?
by LoneWolf 151 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Oh and I just noticed this:
Lonewolf said:
And where did you get the nutty idea that I had to decide for her what she wanted to be, particularly when she told me straight out on our first date that "You know, I'm afraid my two older sisters will have the whole world populated before I have a chance!" I didn't have to guess or decide anything. She already knew what she wanted to do with her life.
And don't give me the hogwash that someone of that age doesn't know their own mind. That little girl at 13 had more common sense and integrity in her little toe than you will have at any age.
Yes, because 13 year olds know EXACTLY what they want out of life. They have had a chance to know who they are and have everything figured out......So she was 13 when you started dating her?........
If some 18 year old comes around to date my 13 year old daughter I will promplty call the police thank you very much. My husband also might beat the crap out of him too.....
The chart you show is the median (means average) age. Your chart supports LoneWolf's side better than your side (of this stupid argument).
Omigawd, THANK you, dear N.drew (peace to you!). I really don't get why dear MG (peace to you, as well!) doesn't GET this! It's the AVERAGE... which takes into consideration the ages above... AND below! It does not say it's the NORM. The NORM would be the number that had the most marriages. Since this is an AVERAGE... we don't KNOW what the "norm" was. However, dear MG totally overlooked the information that I posted:
1. ACCORDING TO THE 1959-1960 CENSUSES... MOST women were UNDER AGE 19 when they got marriaed;
2. The age of consent for MARRIAGE... in OREGON... prior to 1970 (when the law was AMENDED to change it from 17)... had to be 15 (with parental consent, which apparently wasn't withheld)... because the law was amended in 1965... to 16.
3. They were JWs (which, here, is the most controlling fact of them ALL)! Jehovahs-Witnesses... male AND female... REGARDLESS of age... didn't CONSIDER anything other than marriage and childbearing (or Bethel/special pioneering) back then! Many of them STILL don't... TODAY. So back THEN... it wasn't a matter of pedophilia: it was a matter of finding a "suitable" marriage mate. Seeing that MANY JW young men haven't a CLUE as to the ways of the world (heck, we can see that HERE, even among some who are MUCH older than 20, even TWICE older!)... to assume that the dear OP (peace to you, dear LW!)... would himself have been MORE "mature" than a 15-year-old girl... is... ridiculous. I mean, it sociology shows girls of that age as having a similar "maturity" as older boys/young men... why would we assume that it DIDN'T/DOESN'T apply to JWs???? TODAY... let alone back THEN?????????
Dear MG is out of line... and over-reacting. She is trying to place a standard considered the "norm" TODAY... on 50 years ago. Heck, I've seen SO many standards and norms change in my [very short] 52 years... I truly CANNOT see what all her wailing about this is based on. Other than pure, unadulterated ignorance... and self-righteousness. No, I know she won't like this truth... as perhaps some of the fathers on the board won't. But I think such fathers would be more willing to admit that what may be considered unacceptable NOW... was more than acceptable 50 years ago.
For the fathers who have a problem with it NOW... which is understandable, given (1) the vast amount of options that women have NOW; particularly in light of (2) the fact that you are no longer JWs (which, if you still were, might have us seeing you post a different point of view)... I would ask you to not look at this from today's POV... because that does not APPLY. If you MUST look at it, then you MUST do so from the POV of the OP... and HIS WIFE... 50 years ago!
Truly, I simply do not get how you can do this any other way. ANY other way... is irrelevant and of no account. No law was broken... other than the "law" of your own personal opinion/morality. Which is worth... what?
I bid you ALL peace!
A slave of Christ,
It is also always wrong for "girls" and "boys" to drop out of school.
They did not date when she was 13. They corresponded through the mail.
Meangirl? Do you not think it is wonderful that they were both virgins? I'm jealous, you too?
@Meangirl...You made your point. We all disagree. You can get off your soap box and go on home like you said you would and go comment on another thread. That's what I intend to.
Goodbye Mr. DarkKnight. So scary Have a good day!
Dear MG (again, peace to you!) apparently has an agenda, dear ones (peace to you all!): standing up for women's rights. Which is entirely commendable and appropriate in many threads. However, it really is misplaced and inappropriate in THIS thread, something I hope she can "see" her way to "see." I don't have very high expectations of that, though...
Again, peace to you all!
A slave of Christ,
I'm not backing now. I'm right. Good day. It was NOT normal for 15 year old GIRLS to marry in 1961. The facts show it. I also don't think it's normal for a 20 year old man to WANT to marry a 15 year old freckled face GIRL.
@ N.Drew, what the hell are you talking about?
Meangirl? Do you not think it is wonderful that they were both virgins? I'm jealous, you too?
Jealous? I was a virgin on my wedding night and so was my husband. I don't know what the heck your talking about? Sorry you weren't and are jealous.....
Anywho, time to go and make my family miserable now since I am so evil and wrong for standing up for what is right and believing that children should be protected form predators. Point I've learned from this, when my child is 13 and she comes to me and says "Mommy I don't want to go to school anymore." or "Mommy I want to have a baby." I am so going to let her make that decision because after all GIRLS are more mature than boys and typically menstruating so they are qualified to make those decisions obviously. To heck with her potential. Why not let her go ahead and ruin her life after all if I don't she might turn to drugs or prostitution right? Thanks for the laughs.
Meangirl,.....don't let them bully you.
If they don't like it, they should ignore it!
That is what I was told by posters here.
Thanks for the support Jay88