The facts show it.
What "facts", dear MG (again, peace to you!)? Certainly not the U.S. Census, as set forth in the Vital Statistics Report of the United States for 1960, published by the U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare ( Per that report:
"... the largest number of single brides were under 20 years of age and of single grooms were 20-24 years. The greatest number of divorced persons of both sexes were 25-29 years, and the greatest number of those widowed were brides 45-49 years and grooms 65 years and over." (Emphasis mine.) See, Page I-6.
"The percent of all brides under age 20 increased from 31 in 1951 to 39 in 1960; for grooms the increase was from 8 to 13 percent. This trend was more marked for first marriages. The percent of first married brides under 20 years of age increased from 39 in 1951 to 49 in 1960, while that for grooms increased from 11 in 1951 to 17 in 1960." (Emphasis mine.)See, page I-9.
The "facts" you are referring to are actually a sampling of "16 selected states," dear one (see Figure 1-3 on Page I-9). Since there were 50 states at the time, your statistics only represent, what, 32% of the total statistics? I think it's safe to say that Oregon wasn't included in those "facts".
For more detail, please feel free to check out the "facts" shown in Tables 2-6 through 2-9 on (pdf) pages 41-44. I think you might find that you don't really have a clue as to what was "normal" in 1960.
Now, do I think it was right? For me, it would depend on several factors, including a girl's prospects in the world... and what I was able to do to contribute to them. However, there is SO much water under this particular "bridge"... that you really ARE making yourself look quite silly. No one's arguing with you that the age difference is a disparity; however, your taking issue with it NOW... in light of the topic, intent, and purpose THIS thread and the circumstances that exist NOW... and, most importantly, in the manner you ARE... NOW... is ridiculous. That you cannot see that... even more so.
Given how you have approached this... and directed your "blows" at the OP (again, peace to you!)... I MUST assume that you were never a JW. Because if you were... but aren't NOW... you really have no grounds to stand on, here. Not really. Because there are folks out there who might want to hold YOU accountable for your one-time stance on blood... given the number of folks who literally DIED due to that belief [at the time].
Even if not, I would say to you... in light of your being so appalled and utterly chagrined at dear LW's conduct 50 years ago... I truly hope that you are without sin. Otherwise, you're a hypocrite and, IMHO, just as "bad", if not worse.
Again, peace to you!
YOUR servant, still... and a slave of Christ,