James, you said
"And is it not ironic that here we have several people applauding the JW fights in the supreme court to enable these people to do exactly this?"
(sorry, the quote box ain't workin for me these days)
I find myself in the unusual position of defending the WTS to a small degree here (as distasteful as it is). The WTS championed the right to not have to say the pledge or sing the NA... but to their credit, they have always recommended that their followers (cult members that they are) should always be respectful of the government, its leaders and the flag. (one can argue that it is disprestful to stay seated and I actually agree with that sentiment) but to stand quietly and let other recite their pledges without becoming a spectacle is not the same as the group the George is describing. Those kids are just rebels without a cause and are doing it to cause a disruption and to show disrespect.