So-and-so is no longer one of Jehovah's Witnesses

by wannabefree 35 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • ScenicViewer


    So, it would be correct to say that the tetragram is transliterated

    JHVH, and pronounced Jehovah

    -- or --

    YHVH, and pronounced Yahweh


    And no translation is involved, since that would involve giving a meaning to the name, which is something else altogether.

    Transliteration, pronunciation, and translation are three different things that are sometimes confused.

  • ziddina


  • Retrovirus

    From Quendi's post:

    I was also told that I had to be in the Kingdom Hall the night the annoucement was made as an indication that I was submitting myself to Jehovah's discipline. Failure to attend that meeting would definitely be held against me in any effort to get reinstated

    Fluppin control freaks!!

  • ziddina
    "...when I was disfellowshipped the announcement simply stated: "[Quendi] is no longer one of Jehovah's Witnesses." I took that to mean that I was to be completely shunned. I was also told that I had to be in the Kingdom Hall the night the annoucement was made as an indication that I was submitting myself to Jehovah's discipline. Failure to attend that meeting would definitely be held against me in any effort to get reinstated...." (Quendi)

    So, submitting to public humiliation is a sign of repentance?? More like an indication of their gloating over their nasty manipulation of any who dissent...

    I'm sorry to hear that you - and anyone else who has been disfellowshipped - had to go through that....

    Makes me SO glad that I disassociated...!!

  • Quendi

    Gloating over the fallen is exactly what the requirement of being present for the announcement of one's own disfellowshipping is, ziddina. Nothing less. Knowing what I do now, I would have refused to attend any of the judicial committee hearings and Witness meetings again. But I thought I was the filthy, unrepentant sinner the judicial committee said I was. One of the elders even told me I couldn't trust my own thinking because I was "spiritually sick". I'm ashamed now that I ever listened to, let alone believed, that kind of talk. It's a cheap, dishonest psychological ploy, but it has worked on millions since the disfellowshipping arrangement was instituted.

    Others have remarked that people exercise the power over us that we give to them. Since I was convinced that the WTS was indeed "Jehovah's organization" and I would die at Armageddon if I was not reinstated, I spent several years trying to return. It was only when I finally realized that the WTS was no more what it claimed to be than the Man in the Moon was that I walked away a free man. I'll never go back to that kind of hatred and abuse again. It was the WTS that was "spiritually sick", not I. I'm so glad I have come to realize this now. Retrovirus is right to call the WTS "fluppin' control freaks" for that is its motivation, not the love for God and man it professes to have. But its end shall be according to its works, and I hope to live to see it!


  • daringhart13

    Consider the irony of no longer being a Jehovah's Witness.....yet, to return to being one, you have to act like one......when you're not other words, what does it matter what you're doing when you're not a JW...... you're NOT a JW!!!!

    But try to explain that to a reinstatement committee.

    Its all coo coo for cocoa puffs.

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