New here - I'm pretty wordy, sorry

by lilbluekitty 38 Replies latest jw friends

  • N.drew

    Your welcome JustThatGirl007! Those are your spy glasses because you are 007!

  • angel.face

    Hi Blue!! Welcome!

    I am also in my 20s and am active in the hall. I am not on the fence about leaving, I know I will leave but I only woke up 3 months ago and al trying to come up with a strategy.

    As others have suggested I think u should read CoC and Steven Hasssans books. It sounds like you have already started to fade....Do you want to DA yourself or would you be okay with fading and eventually losing contact with the witnesses?

    Another thing I would like to don't have to answer but just think about it... What are your dreams?? If you don't know, do some soul searching...figure out what you want out of life and run with it. Fulfill yourself and live for yourself because life is too short.

  • OnTheWayOut

    Welcome. Besides all the great advice given (particularly the book recommendations) I will add that you can get out of your funk quicker if you seek professional counseling. You were abused and raised in the JW environment. You've been shunned by family.

    If you have no insurance and no way to afford it, try going once. Then maybe again in the future. Many towns/cities have programs in place. Look into it.

    Otherwise, there is really nothing the JW elders can do if you just skip meetings and recruiting altogether.

    I hope the best for you.

  • lilbluekitty

    JustThatGirl007, I was diagnosed with nonverbal learning disorder at age 14 (I was going to a children's hospital for years because I wasn't growing and got growth hormone shots, while there they finally noticed my social skills were lacking and other Aspie traits =P) and a few months ago I found out they don't call it NVLD anymore, or very few do so I just asked my regular doc about it, she sent me to a neurologist and that's how I got my official diagnosis. I'd try that route if I were you, or ask a psychologist or someone. Or, try your son's doctors =)

    angel.face, I plan on just fading slowly, not DAing, just in case I have doubts later, I don't want to go out with a bang. But probably if I stop going long enough I just won't ever come back.

    Thanks everyone =)

  • flipper

    LILBLUEKITTY- So nice to have you here ! Like yourself I was born in the Witnesses and raised up in it. Didn't get out until 8 years ago at age 44 . But I can assure you I've been much happier after leaving the Witnesses. I just stopped attending- like you. There is no reason to meet with the elders as you are just inactive . No reason to meet with them anyway as they are just men who want to control you. Sounds like you had enough people controlling you in your life growing up. I'm sorry you went through abuse from your mom.

    Please be assured of our unconditional offer of friendship to you . Many of us have gone through similar trials in life here. The suggestion to read Steve Hassan's two books is a great suggestion. Those books really helped me to think freely and understand how much I had been deceived by the Witnesses and WT society by controlling, manipulating methods which takes away our power over ourselves. Very nice to have you here, take care, Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • meangirl

    Welcome and thanks for sharing your story. It was not too wordy. Please keep us posted. Wishing you all the best.

  • factfinder

    Hi Lilbluekitty and welcome!

  • JRK


    hang in there, kiddo!


  • nugget

    Welcome to the board. There are many here who have experienced similar problems and can offer some solid advice they are a gold mine of information. You have had a hard start, and if your mum didn't fully appreciate how Aspergers affects you then it was made all the harder. This organisation is probably one of the worst religions for anyone with aspergers since it feeds on all your deep rooted fears and concerns and does nothing to alleviate the depression and stress.

    My son has aspergers and it was because of him and my daughter that we chose to leave. He has never been happier or more content. The JW version of christianity is harsh and uncompromising and you are better distancing yourself from it. If you do not want to make a clean break then next time they come to the door or try to contact you say "I am dealing with some personal issues right now and need a little space. Thank you for your concern I know where you are and I will contact you when I feel ready." Don't get caught in a discussion but leave it at that. If you know what you will say and also if it has some basis in truth you will find it easier to negotiate the situation. My son can't lie to save his life.

    Take time to educate yourself in your mum's religion, anyone who follows a religion thinks they are right this can't be true of all of them so you need to know. The suggested reading material will help you to see the religion warts and all and will help you get some perspective.

    Best of luck in your journey keep posting and reading we're here to help.

  • Pams girl
    Pams girl

    Welcome to the board Blue, we are happy you found us x

    Thanks for sharing your story. x

    You arent alone in your struggles, there is life after the org so please keep posting and keep us updated. Read read and read some more......

    Be well x

    Paula x

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