by TheStar 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • TheStar

    I'm a newbie around here. I have only posted once but I've come in here almost every day to read for about the past month. This place has been therapeutic for me as I'm currently trying to make my exit out of the Borg. I'm taking a big step here in writing this post.

    I desperately need help writing my DA letter. I'll give some background on me, so that you can know why I need this help, please bare with me here, I'll try not to make it too long and winding.

    In short I've been a JW for almost 6 years (including time studied) and have always had my doubts about the society but since their bible study method focuses on cleverly convincing you that they are the only true religion and only path to God, I fell for it and kept those feelings of doubt (that I feel came from having been raised as an independent thinker) pushed away far deep enough that they didn't bother me for years. I don't know what sparked it really, every now and then these doubts would surface back into my mind to haunt me (because, of course, I figured it was Satan) and 6 months ago when I found myself with these doubts again, I decided I needed to put them to rest once in for all, after all if I had the truth I had nothing to fear. But fearful I was... Scared as heck I went to the sources I had been brainwashed into believing were bad, Satanic. I came here, to the wonderful freeing world of the net. Since then, I have looked at every piece of info. that I could find about the society on the net. It's been an emotional roller coaster ride; fear, shame, guilt, hurt, despair, anxiety, anger, relief, joy, elation and everything in between. Sometimes I even feel more than one emotion simultaneously.

    I only decided that I knew enough to move on from the JW's a month ago and I have not been attending meetings for only 2 weeks now. I'm getting to my problem; please continue to bear with me.

    All these months I had not told my husband about what I was doing and it was really hard to keep all this from him, since he and I share everything and talk about everything. By the time I got to the point where I felt I could tell him, I was also already entirely fed up with the society and couldn't bring myself to attend meetings anymore (2 weeks ago). In other words I wasn't clever enough to figure out that I could slowly feed my husband information that might open his eyes up as well (As Amazing did with his family). Of course this is all a shock to my poor husband and of course nothing I can say at this point will convince him that the organization is not what it makes itself out to be, although in our conversations these past couple of weeks, I have made some very valid points that have left him speechless and I hope that those things will stay in his mind and cause him to see things differently in the future. These conversations have helped us both come better to terms with things and I now especially feel relieved that he has come to agree to disagree with me and has assured me of his love for me. So at least I know that he won't shun me after I get out.

    Ok, I'm almost at my problem....

    My husband continues to go to meetings and doesn't want to make excuses for me to the friends about my not being there, which I can completely understand, I'm putting him in a bad position. At first, I told him to say that I was ill, and it was true. Because of all this I had been suffering depression and anxiety attacks so it was a good excuse at the time but once I told my husband and since we have been having dicussion over this every night, I feel much better and both the depression and anxiety attacks are gone now.

    I would really like to be inactive for a while and give myself time to think and learn a bit more. Give myself time to answer some of my own questions but it doesn't appear I have that choice since my husband is still going to meetings at the same congregation and the elders will soon start to want to know why I've been missing so many meetings.

    I feel I need to write my DA letter ASAP because:

    1.) I Don't want to put my husband in a position to have to make excuses for me not being at the meetings.

    2.) I Don't want to be confronted by the elders about missing meetings. I really want nothing to do with them, I don't want to have to explain anything to anyone. I just want to leave and have my life back. Aaannndd... I don't want to give them the pleasure of disfellowshipping me, so that I can appear to my friends that I'm some horrible unrepentant sinner. NO WAY! I want my friends to know that I made a conscience decicion to leave.

    3.) Most importanly I'm thouroughly convinced that the society has conned us all and I want nothing to do with it ever again. Like I said , I just want the life that I lost back. I want to move on.

    Here's the problem...

    Unfortunately, I have so many things, ideas, questions, and information running through my brain constantly these days, that I can't bring my self to concentrate enough to write the darn letter. Also, I keep debating as to what to say in it. I would like for it to sound intelligent, coherent, reasonable and thought provoking but not angry. I would like to send it to my friends a day before sending it to the elders, so that they know exactly why I left and so that maybe this information in the future may help some of them leave. Buuuutttt... I don't want to include the wrong things in it that might later make my husbands life a living hades. I don't want him afterward being interrogated by the elders and whatever else could come to him because of my letter.

    HELP!! What do I do? What do I say? What should I not say? How do I figure this out? How do I tell the elders that the society is completely wrong and I don't want anything to do with the organization any longer but please be nice to my husband in a nice, intelligent way??

    I know a DA letter should be in my own words but I'm at a loss, really. Please, I need all of you that have gone through this to chime in and give me advise, like today! I'd be most indebted to you all. Thank you in advance to all who respond.

  • Mr Ben
    Mr Ben

    Hi Star,

    The most important thing is your family. If you tip the elders off with a DA letter at this point they may advise your husband to leave you if you are a "spiritual danger" to him. I don't want to freak you out but that is precisely what they may do. You may end up being demonised in your husbands eyes which will undermine your relationship and keep his mind under borg control.

    It is only my suggestion, but try & put up with the harrassment about not going to the meetings - use the usual excuses - whilst you "work" on freeing your husbands mind. Why not get "Combatting Cult Mind Control, by Steve Hassan, as it is NOT about the witnesses but about the Moonies, so he might read it, and it should create a degree of dissonance. Or just show him quotes from the Watchtower re organ transplants etc.

    I would really hate to come back here in a few months and see you post about how the borg have broken your family up.

    Best wishes,
    Mr Ben

    Religion n.
    An organisation designed to promote atheism.

  • Mister Biggs
    Mister Biggs

    Mr Ben is right about how one can separate from their spouse if the spouse can cause spiritual danger to them.
    In fact, just read one of the most recent Mags about it. Remember the WT or Awake! that has 'Your Wedding Day' on the cover? In there you will see the reasons why one can seperate or divorce their spouse.

  • LDH


    You said

    I want my friends to know that I made a conscience decicion to leave.
    Since you weren't 'raised in the truth' you may not see the problem with that statement.

    JWs don't think that way about people that DA themselves.

    The JW mindset says "If someone wrote a DA letter, it's because they've committed a sin, and the elders found out about it. But they refuse to meet with a Judicial Committee, and therefore DA themselves."

    A JW would NEVER think, "Wow! They must know something I don't know because they made a concious decision to sever their ties with this religion. I wonder why?"

    I would be prepared by reviewing this site, the JW 'media' site:

    and use the direct quote given here:

    Do you shun former members?
    Those who simply cease to be involved in the faith are not shunned.
    Therefore, it stands to reason that you had better just use the drift away technique and not 'Disassociate yourself."

    Hope this helps.


  • dungbeetle

    That is totally great advice.

    Something that others have found works really well is to use 'depression' as a reason for not wanting to 'do' anything. Especially if you're really tired!!! Surely your husband can understand that you don't want to bring others 'down' so they feel as 'bad' as you do. There's been so much negative publicity lately about the JW's and depression, they have a tendency to leave 'depressed' ones alone and not bother them. You can use this in your favor and buy yourself some time.

    Your spouse needs to see that as you pull away from the Watchtower, you feel better and are happier and more well-balanced. (hopefully that's what will happen).

    It's a sad situation and I'm always sorry to hear someone is in it. Don't do anything you cannot undo is the best advice you will ever get on this board.

    (((Mr. Biggs and Mr. Ben))))) (((Star)))

    In 1975 a crack team of publishers was sentenced to death by a judicial commiteee. They promptly escaped from the cult and now live life on the run. If you have a problem ... and if you can find them ... maybe you can contact the A--postate Team"

  • drahcir yarrum
    drahcir yarrum

    I really can't agree with the notion that the elders would encourage your husband to leave you if you DA yourself. In fact, it sounds like your husband wouldn't leave you even if he was advised to do so by elders. In fact, if the elders did tell your husband he could leave you, it might convince him that it couldn't be "God's organization".

    But, I do think you might want to work more on how your husband handles your decision and not hurry into a letter to the elders. You have plenty of time for that. You should also avoid any meetings with any elders, either one at a time or in groups in order not to get cornered about your doubts. As long as you keep your cool, there really isn't much they can do. I think the concensus in this room is generally that when dealing with your spouse or children, it is better to take the longer term approach and try to win small battles one after the other until the other person begins to see the reality of the WTS.

    Good luck,

    drahcir (Ann Landers) yarrum

  • Lari

    Freeze! Put down that pen and walk away slowly...

    If I had known now what I knew when I was DFed in May 2000 I would have taken an entirely different road.

    I was feeling pretty fed up with the org when my sister gave me the option of turning myself in or turning me in. By that time I just didn’t give a damn for the org. In the end I called up the elders and refused to meet with or even discuss the situation with them. I said, "I am living with my boyfriend", (I wasn't at the time but we were intimate.), "Do what you have to do." I repeated this phone call twice to give them the means to DF me.

    Big Mistake! I should have been more evasive. Eventually I did move in with my boyfriend but by that time I could have been pretty far off the JW radar and my sister wouldn't have felt compelled to rat me out. In your case you aren’t committing a carnal sin; you just stopped believing. So, unless you feel the need to expose the Borg, you can try to fade away.

    Amazing shot himself in the foot, as he himself admits in his posts, because he felt compelled to explain his feelings or expose the hypocrisy. If you can manage it, keep your new beliefs between you and your husband. The rest of the world only needs to know that you don’t feel up to it. The depression cover is a great one. Then, when much more time has passed you can be more open but by then it wont seem like such a scandal.

    Best of luck.

  • Amazing

    Hi Star: You requested I comment on your thread. I will do my best, but each situation is a little different, and has its own trials and errors.

    You asked about writing your DA letter. This is a tough one, because you have several things to consider. First and formost is your husband. It sounds like you and he have a great relationshiup, so maybe you might consider holding off on a DA letter until you can make more progress with him. It sounds like you have made some good points with him already, so you have the knack.

    If you have other relatives or children, this too will present some complications. Take your time.

    You gve these reasons for wanting to DA yourself,

    "1.) I Don't want to put my husband in a position to have to make excuses for me not being at the meetings."
    I wish I had taken it more slowly in gradually leaving off meeting attendance. I may have been more successful in leaving quietly. I don't know that for sure ... but it is my guess.

    "2.) I Don't want to be confronted by the elders about missing meetings. I really want nothing to do with them, I don't want to have to explain anything to anyone. I just want to leave and have my life back. Aaannndd... I don't want to give them the pleasure of disfellowshipping me, so that I can appear to my friends that I'm some horrible unrepentant sinner. NO WAY! I want my friends to know that I made a conscience decicion to leave."
    That is why I am glad that I was DA'd, though mine was forced upon me ... the message to JWs is that I rejected them ... and not them rejecting me for some sin.

    But, maybe you might consider asking the Elders not to call on you because you do not want to be alone with them. This way you send the signal that they had better not call on you unless you have someone there with you that you trust. Also, insist on having a tape recording running while they are there at your home. Never let them confront you at the Kingdom Hall, as you have less control. These tactics will scare them into leaving you alone ... but the problem is that they will also be looking to DF or DA you. So, this may be difficult to pull off. It is an idea that maybe some others might comments about better.

    "3.) Most importanly I'm thouroughly convinced that the society has conned us all and I want nothing to do with it ever again. Like I said , I just want the life that I lost back. I want to move on."
    That is what many want. If you manage to convince your husband to seriously question or leave the religion is that all you need to feel secure in leaving? In my own situation, I had to convince my wife, children, and my future son-in-law. Once that took place, little else mattered, except that I was too stubborn to let the JWs go ... I had to try and do everything my way. It resulted in lots of weird experiences ... but in the end, I would have preferred that I listen to my wife and let it go sooner.

    So, if your husband is your primary reason and concern ... then give him time and keep working on him. You have just started to leave the religion by staying away from meetings. So take time to raise issues by use of questions ... make sure the questions do not sound like you have an agenda ... but make them sincere sounding as possible. This will help him think for himself.

    And pay attention to many contributors on this forum. Because with the volume of experiences and insight you will hopefully find what works best for you ... or at least enough to stimulate your own ideas. Hope that helps some for now.

  • metatron

    Do not DA yourself.

    Do not cooperate with their sick procedures - just so they
    can self righteously shun you.

    Drift away - say you are depressed - don't answer any of
    their interrogations - just keep repeating that you are
    depressed and eventually they will give up.


  • BluesBrother

    Star, welcome aboard and congratulations for working out in six years what it took me a lifetime to realise.

    May I add my word to the others who say, DO NOTHING RASH. allow a bit of time . You believe the dubs may respect you for having made a decision of conscience. Far from it . They will probably conclude that you jumped before you were pushed, and had something to hide.

    It is possible to take time away, a couple in my wifes cong. are in the same position . He comes, but wife has apparently stopped.
    The elders will see it as their duty to shepherd you but you do not have to talk in depth. Be evasive. If your husband will co operate he can pull the card of "Headship" and ask them not to push you hard.

    Take time, do not put husband in a more difficult position than he has to be. Incidentally, the elders would not advise him to leave you. That would be grossly unscriptural.

    Best of luck ,we have all been there..Let us know how things get on .

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