Don't get me wrong, I'm all in favour of flyers and engaging people but wearing a shirt or holding a banner isn't going to help anyone. But if all you're out for is to cause a scene/stir then I guess you'll achieve that.
Video of my Circuit Assembly visit!
by serenitynow! 107 Replies latest jw friends
fabulous. Serenity the red boots were awesome too. You were the highlight of that assembly I doubt any of the JWs there will remember anything else on the programme.
So many people stuck in a cult it is sad when you see them all gathered together.
I met Serenity a couple of months ago. I can guarantee she not just out to make a scene. She has real purpose behind what she does. She was there to tell people that they are not alone, and to warn interested ones before they go too far.
Freakin' AWESOME!
Thank you. Thank you all for doing this.
Laura.. YOU ARE MY HERO!!!
Serenity is cuter. And hotter.
I don't personally take the same approach, but there gets to be a point where you've tried being subtle long enough and you just have to kick things up a notch. I think things are reaching a tipping point in the Organization where this type of approach may be the only way to get to people.
Besides, the JWs are reinforcing the "cult" stereotype just as much as, if not moreso, the "apostate" stereotype... which, let's face it, applies to ANYONE who "thinks independently" or dares to speak up, regardless of how kind, patient, gracious, forgiving, subtle, or... GASP... "Christian" a person is. Barbara Anderson, Ray Franz, and others definitely fall in this category... and they're the worst "apostates" of all.
I respect both approaches as long as they make a real difference. Go with what works for you and those you love.
Peace out!
im hooked
I really give you credit ... it's one thing to 'crash' an assembly ... very stressful ... but changing poopy diapers twice during the process ... I'd have to be out of there!!
You're a strong brave woman
Joey Jo-Jo
I agree with undercover, WB&TS uses fear, apostates in halls will create more fear and paranoia. "oh no, it must be close to armageddom." Even meetings themselves will have a negative effect. More fear pushes jw's deeper into the "truth". But I dont know if there will be any future benefits, if these meeting gatherings will cause a person later in their life to leave. Steve Hassan wrote two books about this, I hope everyone has a copy.
Yeah, a lady with a baby and her "lone sista" friend are WAY scarier than a gang of droidified men in suits who call the freaking POLICE on them, fer Chrissakes...