The current Governing Body has become a liability for the Watchtower Society. They no longer qualify to serve based on the standards that they impose on others. They have blatantly broken the law in Australia. They are responsible for offensive hate speech against former members. They have violated the most cherished principles of their faith by becoming affiliated with the United Nations and other governmental organizations. Their policies have incurred tremendous legal liabilities that threaten to cost the Watchtower Society untold millions in fines, lost donations, legal fees and lawsuits.
It's time for the Watchtower Society to do what it is good at, to dismiss those that become an embarrassment. It's not enough to remove them from their positions. They should be expelled from the organization.
The Watchtower properties in Brooklyn will be sold soon. This could result in a windfall of over a billion dollars. Officials of the Watchtower Society should ask themselves if they trust this current Governing Body to manage those funds. How much of this money will be squandered over fines and lawsuits resulting from their policies on pedophilia, blood and their treatment of former members? How much will be spent on desperate attempts to shore up an organization that is crumbling from within?
The religion of Jehovah's Witnesses has been fragmenting itself for years into a maze of different corporations and legal entities to avoid legal liability. The recent events in Australia should reveal that this may not be sufficient. If it's not possible to get rid of the Governing Body, then it should be possible for some of these legal entities to seize assets and break away. The Governing Body can be left to face the legal consequences of their own policies.
Many Jehovah's Witnesses in positions of authority are becoming very concerned about the actions of the Governing Body. It is time for them to start thinking for themselves and to take action. There may never be a better opportunity.