It's Time For The Governing Body To Be Removed

by DT 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • WTWizard

    Here is a good proposition: They claim to abide by the Bible. As such, let's hold them to the Bible standards. If they claim to have the monopoly on abiding by the Bible, let's make setting up a binding rule that clashes with the Bible a disfellowshipping offense. I don't care how high or low you are within the organization. A pious-sneer that tries to use the "stumbling" card to get everyone to abide by rules that don't agree with the Bible as they claim is just as open to disfellowshipping under this rule as the lead member of the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger class. This would be made the most serious offense possible--binding others with stupid rules, threatening them with spiritual measures for not abiding by them, and twisting scriptures to make the Bible fit the rule instead of the rule fitting the Bible.

    This would also go for those people that insist on teaching studies their own personal preferences as if they were from the Bible. Anyone that insists that specific brands and styles of products must be used under threat of "not being faithful", as if they were from the Bible itself, would fit this. A rule could be challenged from the Bible they claim to abide by--if the teacher is made aware of the discrepancy and still refuses to abide by the Bible instead of his personal preferences, he is subject to disfellowshipping.

    Other examples of this: Hounders that insist on people wearing a white shirt. Hounder-hounders that ban "sisters" from wearing pants in freezing weather or require nylon stockings and suit coats during hot muggy weather. Anyone that insists that a specific person, or a whole group, must pious-sneer. Placing "Out of order" signs on working candy and soda vending machines so people cannot get these items during intermissions at a$$emblies. Attendants (hounders) at a$$emblies harassing people for minor rule violations having no grounds in scripture or secular law. Groups of pious-sneers or hounders that bash people for investing in silver or stocks, or studying a trade for better income. Extortion to get resolutions passed that are not properly grounded in the Bible. Banning people from wearing or carrying objects with "advertisements" to a$$emblies. Getting people to throw away perfectly good music and movies, threatening with removal of "privileges". Teachers insisting that students waste 6 hours preparing a Number Two Talk. Anyone that insists that small children need to be out door to door all the time or that school children need to waste their whole vacation pious-sneering. And so on.

    If people that make oppressive rules, regardless of where they stand in the organization, were disfellowshipped for doing so, that would allow those who abide by the Bible and are honest about it (like Raymond Franz) to run it. It claims to be a Bible-honoring group--so they need to be held to it. If you don't plan on abiding by the Bible, then don't claim to do so.


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