This ORG is not a democracy, so the power that exists within it will continue for a long time. Look at other organizations that continue to do so.
It's a Giant that could be defeated, but, there is no little David around to do it. Maybe the little David's are the news over the Child Abuse exposures, or maybe it's that trial in Australialia.
I think that the news that comes out of the hatred for the X-members will be watered down, eventually. Their policies are being ignored already by families that are disobeying this command. The Society knows that families are ignoring this, because that is why they are fighting back in print and their strong, tough measures to end this.
Remember the Bookstudy arrangement in homes. For years the Society kept preaching about attending this meeting as something important. I can't remember how many times the CO would visit and ask the Elders why this meeting was poorly attended. I finally asked the CO, Why? How is it in other congregations? He said, that it was the same. It was time that killed that Bookstudy. Now it's a twisted story about a family worship night.
Just wait, things will change. GB members will die. A new generation thought, The mystery of the Ten Toes revealed at a future convention. A/Pioneering dropped to permanently 30 hrs per month. Greater freedom to associate with DA/DF family members. etc.