Further proof of no real message in OCCUPY

by free2beme 229 Replies latest jw friends

  • sammielee24

    Their tents have killed the grass, which the taxpayers pay for.



    No thought given to how many of them just might be taxpayers themselves and thus, have very right to be there sitting on the grass they paid for.


  • designs

    Lawns recover very fast, loosing your home not so much.

  • 144001
    I didn't see anyone in any of Flipper's or Bizzy's pics that looked like Marxist anti Semites likely to crap in the park.

    Well I sure did, live and in person. I frequent LA's City Hall for business reasons, and I've personally seen the mess, and smelled it too. They have killed the lawn at City Hall, and they are extremely unapologetic about the damage they have inflicted on our city. These people are a nuisance, that will ultimately be removed, and then we, the taxpayers, will foot the bill for the cleanup and the lawsuits that will inevitably be filed.

    Big banks need far more regulation, but so does big business. There is nothing but incentive for big business to move jobs overseas. I'd like to see substantial tax penalties imposed on companies who choose to outsource jobs to foreign countries. I'd also like to see this country impose big tariffs on imports, at least in the short run. Protectionism is not a good long term policy, but at this point, our industries need some help, or soon we will all need to learn Chinese.

  • 144001
    Wow. No thought given to how many of them just might be taxpayers themselves and thus, have very right to be there sitting on the grass they paid for. -- Sammielee

    So, your position is that as long as someone is a taxpayer, they have the "very right" to destroy government property? "No thought" given to common sense, eh?

    You know, I pay taxes, so I think I'll take a sledge hammer and smash up the local courthouse. I'm mad at them for imposing a fine on me for a speeding ticket, and after all, I pay taxes, so the cops should be ok with me demolishing the courthouse.

  • DaCheech

    the park's (NYC OWS) on private property.............. they are trespassing

  • flipper

    Since we all would love to " crap in the park " just for the pure freedom of it ( I'm joking right wingers ) - personally I prefer doing it out deep in the woods away from civilization where it can be properly disposed of. But to show once again that OUR little town of Occupy Wall streeters are NOT " crapping in the park " I'll bump up my thread of last weeks Occupy Wall street demonstration to show folks who are upstanding and enjoy using real bathrooms - just like you right wingers here ! Isn't it amazing ?? !! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • Berengaria

    The people have every right to be on public land to exercise their First Amendment rights. No matter how little they pay in taxes.

    As for seeing crapping Marxists in Flippers and Bizzy's pics, no, you did not. Seeing them in LA or any other urban location is pretty common on a daily basis, not just as concentrated. If I was a homeless person sitting on the sidewalk day after day while suits walked by oblivious, I'd think these Occupy events were a party! Cleanup? None of this, no matter how long it goes on, will cost the country what the cheating and stealing done by the banksters has cost US. Funny time to worry about economic fallout.

  • 144001
    Cleanup? None of this, no matter how long it goes on, will cost the country what the cheating and stealing done by the banksters has cost US. Funny time to worry about economic fallout.

    "Funny time to worry about economic fallout?" In light of the horrific US economy, Americans becoming wise about money is long overdue. And while you are correct re: the relative damage done by the bankers and the protestors, it is also true that "none of this" that has been engaged in by the protestors will bring about any change. It will only cause additional expense to taxpayers, most of whom have to work, instead of shitting and pissing in the streets like the protestors.

    Some make excuses for dirtbags who are shitting, pissing, and otherwise trashing public lands. These folks are not just occupying public land, they're damaging it too. I bet the sympathetic attitude would change dramatically if their small business or home was impacted by these protestors. Would you enjoy finding shit and piss on your doorstep every day? What if the shit and piss of protestors caused your business to lose customers who don't want to smell the protestors? It's always ok to support causes, as long as your own interests are unaffected.

  • designs

    'none of this will bring about any change' oh I don't think so.

    With Executive authorization mortgages will be re-amortized with lower rates and terms. More Brokers will face prosecution for insider trading. Contracts on financial obligations will have 'clear' disclosures. Robo-signing may become a thing of the past. Title docs will be properly filed. Churning clients accounts for commissions will be on the No List. Oh there's lots of stuff that is going to change in our banking and financial systems.

    Having Lunch tomorrow with a VP from Deutsche Bank, will get his feedback and pass it along.

  • botchtowersociety

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