Do you read newspapers? Magazines? Weblogs? Watch TV? Watch YouTube? Dare I say......BOOKS? Talk to other humans? Ever get out of the house? Or your parent's basement?
I cannot educate you from the ground up on this website. However, if you are serious, I would be glad to supply you with a reading list. But.........................YOU yourself have to prove your thirst for knowledge by doing the work of actually reading!
Bizzy, you vitriolic, insulting, self-righteous, judgemental, close minded, envious, yet ignorant snob:
FYI- I am educated, I paid for my own college degree at a private university. My father is dead, and my mother lives two hours away, so no, I don't live in my parent's basement. I formerly thought you were a decent person, although I felt you were wrong on issues.
The fact is you posted on a previous thread concerning tea parties and posted a picture of someone with a poster depicting the holocaust. You wanted to know where the outrage was. I asked you why you don't demonstrate outrage at the anti-semitic things being said at the OWS movement. You said nothing except that there's fringe groups everytime there is a large gathering. You have not addressed the insconistency of wanting tea partiers to show outrage, but not demanding the same of OWS supporters.
I do not need you to educate me. I'm quite certain my education is equal to or superior to yours. I work for a living and have my own family. I am nearly 40 years old and do not need a bitter person like you to attempt to insult me. I am laughing by the way. You obviously do not have a clue about me, who I am, what I do, or who I do business with.