Further proof of no real message in OCCUPY

by free2beme 229 Replies latest jw friends

  • Berengaria

    Things have already changed. When was the last time we talked about the debt? We are finally beginning to at the very least discuss inequity and the culpability of Wall Street in the current economic mess. That is something. People are beginning to get a glimpse of the real enemy. Poll show that a more Americans approve of this movement than don't. Same polls show that a majority of Americans do not trust Wall Street etc. Now we just have to make them realize that we can do something about it, we have the vote no matter how much money goes in to trying to persuade us.

    I bet the sympathetic attitude would change dramatically if their small business or home was impacted by these protestors. Would you enjoy finding shit and piss on your doorstep every day? What if the shit and piss of protestors caused your business to lose customers who don't want to smell the protestors? It's always ok to support causes, as long as your own interests are unaffected.

    My values, what I believe is right, does not change according to my own interests or comfort. I've been dirt poor, and I've been very comfortable. My values aren't based on my own selfish interests. I was not one of those JW's who only did what I thought was right at the time because of the fear of the grave, or the reward of the new system. I am disgusted by those who live that way.

    I've worked in businesses, not owned them, where I had to clean up after the homeless on a regular basis, like daily. This is far more important than a temporary inconvenience to someone, anyone. Get a grip on what's at stake here.

  • botchtowersociety
  • botchtowersociety
  • Berengaria

    Is this purposeful? Or are you already in yer cups?

    Hey!! By the way, did you hear about the Rubio parent's visit to the consulate in May of '56? Said they wanted to make their trip to America "permanent".

  • botchtowersociety
  • talesin

    144,000, I withdraw my earlier comment ,,, I really care not what you think. You don't like protestors? Then move to Syria or some other police state.

    jameswoods,,, don't patronize me, we are no longer in the Kingdumb Hell, and I am NOT some scaredy-cat little 'sister' you can intimidate ---- "Comrade Talesin" ,,, you have no argument, your logic is circular, and you are a coward.


    *done with being nice to right-wing arseholes*

  • BizzyBee
    Bizzy- You have yet to address the FACT that the OWS movements are littered with open marxists, racist anti-semites, and the legalize marijuana crowd, along with every other faction of single issue protestors. The real problem with the occupy movement is that they don't have a message. It's a bunch of individual messages.

    Do you read newspapers? Magazines? Weblogs? Watch TV? Watch YouTube? Dare I say......BOOKS? Talk to other humans? Ever get out of the house? Or your parent's basement?

    I cannot educate you from the ground up on this website. However, if you are serious, I would be glad to supply you with a reading list. But.........................YOU yourself have to prove your thirst for knowledge by doing the work of actually reading!

  • Berengaria

    The real problem with the occupy movement is that they don't have a message. It's a bunch of individual messages.

    So Drew can you give examples of those individual messages?

  • drewcoul
    We are finally beginning to at the very least discuss inequity and the culpability of Wall Street in the current economic mess.

    However, the culpability doesn't rest on Wall Street. It rests with the legislators who engage in what some on the right have called "crony capitalism." Washington is the problem, not Wall Street. Wall Street, in the grand scheme of things is all of us who own stock in companies, who invest in our 401K plans, or IRA plans. We all expect to see a positive return on our investments. When we don't, we expect to see change at the top of the companie(s).

    Executives of companies have a responsibility to seek value for shareholders. They also have a responsibility to act in an ethical and legal way. We have government regulators to make sure that happens. But who is watching the regulators? We've hired foxes to watch the hen house. Politicians have a responsibility to seek value for Americans. You can't blame all of it, or even most of it on Wall Street. The problem is our government. Our nation isn't great because of the opportunity government provides. It's great because of the individuals who experiment, innovate, invent, and succeed. Individuals who take advantage of our freedom to get ahead, to compete and to excel. The best thing government can do is get out of the way, and maintain a level playing field. Not pick winners and losers.

    The entire housing melt down can be traced to government regulation. Even the new HARP loans are B.S.. People who need them can't qualify. What are banks doing? Because the government has required a certain amount of HARP loans to allow people to avoid foreclosure by allowing them to refinance at lower interest rates, banks have to make "X" amount of loans through the HARP program. So the banks are giving these loans to people who don't need them. They are giving them to people who are most likely to pay them back. They have good DTI ratios, excellent credit scores, and then the banks meet the quota, make good loans at lower interest rates and everybody's happy right? Not the people who foolishly got hooked into an ARM 10 years ago. They're still on the hook. It was the government who wanted to increase home ownership. The banks were making loans regardless of someone's ability to pay it back. No problem though, the government was there with Fannie and Freddie to buy the loans. They funded the loans, the banks continued to service the loans until the shit hit the fan. All of a sudden the government wanted a scapegoat and instead of blaming the policy of increasing home ownership without sound fundamental fiscal policy, they blamed the banks, and the investors who initally made loans and bundled these for sale on the open market.

    My point is that there is some righteous indignation coming out of the OWS movement. But the outrage is pointed at the wrong direction. It's a problem of government, not business in general.

    Let the big banks fail, if they can't manage their affairs. Let the automotive companies close if they can't manage their comanies in today's business climate. Free market capitalism will allow some comanies fail on their own. It will also allow other companies to succeed. All without government intervention. Consumers will get what they want, and the cream will rise to the top.

  • Berengaria

    Good Grief!! In other words, you have no clue about what happened here.

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