It's always hard to tell by reading the book though, not until you see the musical, then you know.
Is homosexuality ever justifiable? I say YES!!!
by TimothyT 117 Replies latest watchtower bible
No...just tolerated..
Snoozy..entitled to her opinion..
No disrespect meant for anyone who is one..
Very funny video!
Ahem... I was not e X pecting to see that ;)
There is exactly one situation where homosexuality is justified. And that is two people of the same sex are genuinely attracted to each other. Whether it be biological or not, there is absolutely no reason to shame and guilt people out of it.
If it is biological, it should not be "cured" with "morality". If it is a symptom of something else, so be it. The "something else" might not bother the person, nor might it be worth curing. That being the case, letting it be is the best solution. Or, if someone has a disorder where homosexuality is one symptom and they get another symptom (and then treat the whole cause), they should be just as free to "go straight" at a later date. Bisexuality is just as amoral--meaning no one has any business judging them for it.
And if it is emotional, it is no one else's business what they do in private. Sometimes a person will grow out of it, and sometimes they won't. But, either way they should be free to practice it as long as they are genuinely attracted to the same sex (or both sexes). If the "problem" is something that doesn't bother the person, leaving it be is often the best solution since you can create a bigger mess trying to "fix" the little mess.
Regardless, shame and guilt will not cure homosexuality. Rather, shame and guilt will add a bigger problem to the original one. It also will not cure whatever other issues the person has--again, it will make the problem worse. Rather, people are better off to just enjoy the situation as long as it lasts--whether until they "grow out of it", until they get too old to enjoy it, or until they die. No shame, no guilt--no judgment. And shame on religions that continue imposing moral "solutions" to conditions that are as likely as not biological.
I might add that the witlesses do things that actually encourage latent homosexuality while outwardly bashing it. I wonder how common homosexuality, whether expressed or not, is at Beth Hell. Any time you put two same-sex people together for an extended time, there is a risk of latent homosexuality that otherwise might not have happened. This can also happen when a person gets a study and becomes attached to it, and that study continues making "progress". All of which might not be so bad--except the religion goes on to bash people if they get such desire growing.
And this kind of hypocrisy is never justified.
man oh man
Well I enjoyed this article on the subject. it will make you think!
Band on the Run
I've had extensive exposure to gays b/c of where I lived. Justification has nothing to do with it. There is no evidence, zilch, that it is a life style choice. All the evidence points to a genetic component over which one has no choice. Besides, it is not only humans that engage in homosexual activity. Many animals engage in homosexual behavior, too. Small bands of Native Americans had recognized subgroups of gays within their community. These warriors were accepted as valuable. Both within these smaller groups and within the animal populations such activity continued despite the evolutionary imperative to reproduce.
I view you as someone who has not had much exposure to gays in professions and the arts. Within Congress, even conservative GOP members have gay staffers and protect them. They just don't publicize it. I lived next to Christoper St. Because of the Witnesses, I assume that you think you have to convince us that homosexuality is all right. The Stonewall Riots on Christopher Street happened almost 60 years ago. Vibrant gay communities flourish. Most Americans no longer believe homosexuality is a sin. Of course, if you live in an enclave where people believe it is a sin, life will be hell. The difference within my lifetime is very dramatic. Homosexual as not human in any degree, the worst of the worst, to enshrined personages. This past week I watched a documentary on homosexuality in Africa. I was totally shocked by the mindset of educated Africans.
Anyone can participate on this forum. You have no idea what jerks can post here. I know from personal experience. My mailbox is full of nice comments but the board has nastiness.
If you can, I would suggest moving to a better location where your lifestyle is the dominant one. Greenwich Village in NY was such a magnet for everyone's rejects. Others' trash is Manhattan's most valuable resource. It used to be the same with race. Only the owner of this forum has the right to dictate content. Venting is almost all peoplel do here. Don't let a few stray people cheat the forum out of the valuable resource it has in you.
Just two points - first, on BOTR's comments: I agree in principle completely, except for this minor detail -
I might add that the witlesses do things that actually encourage latent homosexuality while outwardly bashing it. I wonder how common homosexuality, whether expressed or not, is at Beth Hell. Any time you put two same-sex people together for an extended time, there is a risk of latent homosexuality that otherwise might not have happened.
I've had extensive exposure to gays b/c of where I lived. Justification has nothing to do with it. There is no evidence, zilch, that it is a life style choice. All the evidence points to a genetic component over which one has no choice.
Is there not something of a conflict between the two quotes by BOTR? The genetic cause of homosexuality is an interesting theory which has to my viewpoint not yet been proven - even if it has a good deal of indirect evidence.
The second point - and I hope it was already clear: It was probably Shamus, myself, and maybe OUTLAW who posted on the first page that probably the forum did not really need a constant stream of Gay-Promotion which caused the original poster to take offense. I (for one) did not want that to happen - and I am not a homophobe or gay basher here. I am sure none of us meant any offense. Shamus has clearly stated before that he himself is gay.
Maybe it will work itself out in time with Timothy.
In a 14 day period TimothyT started 9 threads only 3 of which were in relation to homosexuality and faith/church/Watchtower, hardly "a constant stream of Gay-Promotion".
You (plural) do appear to have shut him down which is unfortunate as the chronicling of his struggle to reconcile faith and sexuality may have been helpful to others, as Monkey's far more extrovert and sexualised account has been.
If you don't want to read about homosexuality, don't read the thread that has it in the title.
On Saturday morning a 28 yr old man was found dead on the edge of a small former mining town in Scotland having been burnt and severely beaten. He was also gay. At present the police are trying to say it possibly wasn't a homophobic attack but the community is rife with rumour that it is. His name was Stuart Walker.
Will anyone reading this see any connection between closing down discussions on homosexuality and this crime? I imagine they will refuse to see it But in my nearly 10 yrs on here I have repeatedly seen it tolerated less than other issues and gay members warned to 'pipe down' about the subject.
It makes me very very sad.
Something I have never understood (since discovering there were gay people) is why do gay men seek out men that look and act like women ?
And why do gay women seek out "Butch" women that look and act like men?
Doesn't that sort of defeat the whole "Liking same sex" thing .?
Shouldn't they be attracted to someone that is like them of the same sex? Wouldn't a gay man seeks out a manly man and a woman seeks out a feminine female if they were truly attrated to the opposite sex?
Just wondering..