That is so true GeneM! That's basically every "spiritual" pioneer's story right there... It's just sad...
How Have you Counted your time for Pioneering?
by jehu or jehonadab 111 Replies latest watchtower scandals
Gene, and all you others, the reason I stopped going out, is what Gene is talking about. I left the car group in total frustration, and was not getting the spiritual high of spinning my wheels or walking in place. If I write you what we did, it would bend your mind, or you might not belive we could 'phantom time'. Gene, you forgot to mention stopping by any garage sales, rubbish sales that might attrack the drivers attention. Drop a dollar and a tract off with the local town drunk, start your time! Gene your story is the same, everywhere you go in Cali-for-nia. Do you think the rest of the States differ in their methods of reaching the down trodden? What is your favorite pioneer bumpsticker or vanity license plate? "ILOVE2PREACH" "I AM A PIONEER".