I posted this idea on another thread but perhaps it is worth its own discussion.
Could the GB be done away with? Seriously.
They came to be, out of a troubled time. There was much opposition as we know to the whole GB idea at the time. It was controversal at the time and was sold to the rank and file as some sort of new light and jehovah streamlining the Org etc. The current crop of men are not of that caliber. Most of them were in knee high socks at the time. The old guard that fought Knorr and Franz for power are dead. The legal dept runs the show, the writing dept trot out yesterdays excretment as food and the GB are no more in power than the queen of England is.
Monarchies fall. Perhaps the Governing Body will too when they have outlived their usefulness to the Corporation.
They are not leaders and i'll bet they know it. They could be turned into lion food with a quick flip flop from the legal team and writing dept. They are the ones that keep the GB up front to the Rank and file.
If the theological idea that IS the governing body is seen to be a legal millstone i am sure somebody could come up with some 'new light' and chop em all off. Remember, the arguments Franz advanced to defend the presidency are very persuasive, and in fact make more theological sense than the GB.
If they were dumped then maybe anything bothersome can be attributed to the now defunct men who had to be 'cleansed' from the organization. They have done it before and they can do it again. The power struggle in the 70s was largely unnoticed by the JWs, and if this happened they would all buy the spin again.
Any legal responsability lay at the feet of the poor codgers and the new regime can claim innocence.
What think you all?