LOL, on the whole drift of the conversation here!
A few observations: For one thing, to a certain extent I feel that the term "lie" as used here, is being too all-inclusive. There is a large difference between a "lie" in its true sense, and the inaccuracies that creep in to our understanding in spite of our best efforts. "Lie" has a negative connotation as to our character, while one can be perfectly innocent yet still be mistaken. This small realization can make a major difference in our outlook on life.
I posted a piece on "What Is Truth" that takes this up rather thoroughly, here on the board about 10 years ago ( ). You may find it interesting. The outlook shown there has transformed my "ignorance" into an adventure, because there are now whole areas of inquiry just waiting for exploration, and wandering around in unknown territory is one of my favorite activities.
The second item is related, and Farkel approached it in his comment "Most people are just not up to absorbing what you say. They simply don't have the attention span nor possibly the intelligence for it. But mostly, people just don't have the patience to read it."
In my opinion, most people do have the raw intelligence, but it has been suppressed by those around us who condemn our thinking for ourselves and demanding that we believe what we are told to believe. Basically, we have been taught that it is a mortal sin for us to even try to think, and that has become so ingrained in most of us that we won't even try. This, more than any other area, is where fear comes into the equation. The very act of thinking has become fearful, as we've been brainwashed into believing it's wrong. Ergo: critical thinking skills become withered due to lack of use.
Naturally, the Totchwower Society has taken a lead in this brainwashing with their condemnation of "independent thinking".
Encouraging others to think and reason on such things is probably the best favor we can do for them. But at the same time, how can they do that without posts that challenge them?
A sidelight: I feel that we are missing an opportunity here. I get the feeling that the reason most come to the point where they leave the Organization is because they feel trapped and are unable to think. They've been taught that thinking is wrong and it takes a major act of rebellion, as well as an abandonment of both the Bible and the idea of Christian morality, to break that hold. They don't have the insight to divide the true from the false, so they reject all of it.
If they were to run across a clear, concise explanation that re-enforces their gut feelings and made it so they didn't have to reject even the good things that gave them hope, many would find the way out much easier. There are many scriptures that demonstrate that their unease is well founded, such as Proverbs 5:1, 2.