Have You Ever Feared Being Outed On This Site?

by minimus 81 Replies latest jw friends

  • cantleave

    I wish to remain anonymous


  • N.drew

    Now you have me rambling. I'm not use to talking to people.

    I am not sure I would have told them that - there are spies everywhere.

    OK Mr james_woods, maybe you shouldn't read my posts anymore. Seems enigmatic is catchy.

  • Quirky1

    Where there's beer there's no fear...

  • james_woods

    OK Mr james_woods, maybe you shouldn't read my posts anymore. Seems enigmatic is catchy.

    But how will I ever be able to understand you if I don't continue reading them?

  • N.drew

    Is that you Mr. cantleave? I like the beard and you have a very nice nose, it appears. You might get a little sunshine, but not too much! Vitamin D you know!

  • cantleave

    Sunlight burns me. Yes it is me.

  • Found Sheep
    Found Sheep

    Nice to see you can't leave... I like that ramble NDrew

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    The family members I worried about so much have died. I had no real friends so I don't care. My family did find out b/c of certain things I did - attend rock concerts, college, and a Xmas tree. They never visited around Xmas. My sister lagged behind in taking it down. My aunt visited an md across the street. She called to use the bathroom. My sister called me to find out what to do. I told her to take a sheet and dump the tree out of the window. Look for people first. I wanted the tree gone, even if favorite and pricey ornaments were lost forever. She did not. i cried so hard.

    To my utter shock, the family pretended there was no tree. They would even ask questions about my college courses. Their attempt to relate my life to something similar to their JW KH life amazed me. I cried with relief. I never volunteered any worldly thing, though. Tried to hide it desperately. I recall the fear of total rejection. So sad.

  • minimus

    Now, a lot of us care less. My only concern is my JW mom.

  • dogisgod

    A teeny bit at first because I didn't want anyone to smack my mom in the face with it. Now she is gone and they have no power at all...really, they never did....it was all in MY head.

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