Have You Ever Feared Being Outed On This Site?

by minimus 81 Replies latest jw friends

  • NewChapter

    At first I worried about it. But by now I have given so much info out, if they are watching, they should know. I've met people from this board in person, I've given my name in PM's, and I've added FB friends. I am surrounded by elders. One next door. So much has gone on at my house, but they don't ask. I even had one walk into the middle of something a few weeks ago, that if they knew the significance, it would have been judicial. But again---they didn't ask. I feel like I'm playing the DADT game here.


  • troubled mind
    troubled mind

    I don't care anymore .

    James - I am sooo jealous We LOVE Lyons ! We visit our son in Longmont every year .

    Magwitch - Our son works in Boulder .

    Next summer we should plan a mini aposta fest ,I know several others are in your area too.

  • LoneWolf

    Violia -- "Island Woman was outed several years ago." Anyone know how I could contact her? We wrote a few emails to each other some years ago, and I would like to send my greetings and ask how she is doing. I still have her old email address, but it's not working now. You can tell her that mine is still the same though.

    As to fearing that I would be found out, no. In fact, shortly after I got on the board I got mad at the Totchwower because of all the fear that they instilled in people, so I wrote a real nasty piece and posted it. Then I posted my name, address, and telephone number and asked them just what the hell they thought they were going to do about it. Quite a few others posting, strongly advised that I take the personal information down, but that would have spoiled all the fun. (Grin)

    Shortly after that some hi-octane elders moved into the congregation and we sparred a bit - and I dutifully posted all details here on the board. Fairly quickly one of them came to me and asked that I not include his name in those postings, so that pretty well proves that the board was being monitored.

    Someone else mentioned the sense of freedom something like this gives one. Amen to that! It's priceless!


  • wobble

    If anyone from my old congo. read what I have written on here, ever since I joined, then they could work out exactly who I was so very easily.

    If that happens great, it means they have gone against the WT and read on here, if they have a sparking brain cell, they have by then woken up TTTAT, if subsequent to that they dob me in to the local yokel Elders, well what a laugh that would be !

    I don't think the BOE would want to take the chance of stirring up the shit storm that I would create if they tried to take action against me, I have nothing to lose, they have the prescious name of Jehovah to try to keep out of the shit cart.

    If they DF me, it would just free me up for overt attacks on their beliefs and actions, and boy,

    would there be a shedload of them !

  • Joey Jo-Jo
    Joey Jo-Jo

    I dont care anymore even though I live under the roof of jw parents, I dont know what their reaction would be if they found out about this and youtube, but they know about my "mentaly diseased" way of think, if anything its the opposite, they watch the news its like the sky is just about to fall, they dont want to talk about religion with me anymore but they leave these little hints how the world is going bad to worse, the sad joke about all this is that we are all victims.... even the arseholes.

  • outsmartthesystem

    If I ever succeed in getting my family out.....THEN I will gladly post my name, city, state and favorite brand of underwear. I would have no reason to hide at that point.

  • WTWizard

    I really don't give a fxxx if they feel like wasting a few hundred hours of my posts, mingled with everyone else's, to try and put the pieces together. That will be a few hundred hours they won't be able to handle congregation matters, hound the flock into doing more field circus, or doing field circus themselves. To them, I might as well be on the moon--finances and paperwork issues permitting, I might just well be on the other side of the world before they can attempt to round me up.

    And, once there, there is no way I am going to identify myself as one of Jehovah's Witlesses or a former member. To them, I could just be someone that was interested, researched it in depth, and was turned off by what I found. They will have to worry themselves sick that I might be an apostate, and that I might stumble them.

  • james_woods
    James - I am sooo jealous We LOVE Lyons ! We visit our son in Longmont every year .
    Magwitch - Our son works in Boulder .
    Next summer we should plan a mini aposta fest ,I know several others are in your area too.

    We go up to the cabin for two weeks early in the summer, and then two more weeks in late September or early October. If you are there while we are there, we will make a barbeque for both of you. The cabin is right on the bank of the St. Vrain river, about 3 miles north of Lyons and about 17 miles south of Estes Park.

    I will post about the end of winter 2012 when we plan to go up for the first trip this summer.

  • minimus

    Lone Wolf, you've been here for over 10 YEARS!!!!

    Nice ti see your thoughts here!

  • WontLeave

    I've revealed a lot about my experiences, but I'm not sure they really narrow it down.

    • Raised by a violent, controlling sociopath father
    • Repeatedly confronted by ignorant, stupid elders about things that are none of anyone's business
    • Congregation is full of retards pretending to do more than they are
    • Shocked to discover every Hall I attend, so many in it are evil hypocrites and backstabbing liars
    • etc, etc...

    I mean, isn't that just about every JW's life?

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