I shall spy on your posting history and root it out then.
Popularity Contest Winner!
by Voices 46 Replies latest jw friends
LOL Sizemik! That's funny.
i don't copy. Sorry. I may have found the picture on my own but that doesn't mean I copied someone else's avatar here. but since it's bothering you sooooooooo much....ill change it. JUST for you Shamus ;) uh.....no pickle custome though eh? alright...maybe a cucumber one? I mean really, a pickle is just a drunk cucumber isn't it?
You may keep it, but Zero may be upset.
Please, use my avatar. We attention whores need to stick together, don'tcha know.
I'm not sure if i want a masturbating monkey as my avatar though. Got anything else? What about this one? It's so...'IT WAS YOU! YOU WITH THE CANDLE STICK IN THE LIVING ROOM AT MIDNIGHT KILLED THE PROFESSOR!' feel to it.
Ummmm... actually, dear V (peace, my bruh!)... "Snowbird" IS "Sylvia". Now, I get it that the lowly brussels sprout won a whopping six votes... but it IS a vegetable. Since we don't kowtow to the vegetable gods here... I think the trophy should go to dear Sylvia ("Sylvia, Sylvia, wheah fo' IZ ya'll, Miz Sylvie??!!).
I mean, if we're keeping it real (and pickles are real, unlike the FSM, so...)...
I say you need to reissue the results. Who's with me??
SA, on her own... dissing the pickles and off to the kitchen to get a coupl'e/few green olives (and perhaps a small martini to go with... y'know, to numb the [shoulder] pain...)
Awww... I wanted a monkey friend.
Oh well, kittens are cute too.
Well...i'm....hearing som..yes...i'm hearing something.
I just got word shelby. I hate to break this to everyone...but He that is least.....shall be the greatest....so it turns out.....it's neither of those two! THE WINNER! and the 'least reigning champion' IS DaCheech. Congradulations DaCheech.....your pride of choosing 'least' won after all. Now get to work and do my dishes. They're dirty.
You are a crack up, dear V... you and everyone else on this thread! You have given me a GREAT Thursday night - thank you!
And peace to you!
SA, on her own...
Shamus . . . the soup recipe is in the Brussell Sprout thread.
It's nice . . . and has a lot of cream in it. (the soup that is)
Thank the vegetable God that the Brussel sprout was removed from the top spot!
perhaps a small martini
Shelby NEVER a small one, always a LARGE one! Pass one my way to. Shall we put our brussel sprout war on the back burner while we drink our Martini's??