Inactive, yet shunned!

by TimothyT 41 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • nugget

    I can understand why your dad is pi**ed for all the young brother knows he could have been seriously ill or battling depression but his first thought is not "great to see you are up to association" it is "You haven't been to meetngs so I can't be your friend". This seems to be happening quite a lot with all the recent instruction and hard hitting articles. Hopefully it will help your dad to walk away completely. Friendship in the organisation is entirely conditional and that is sad.

  • factfinder

    I am inactive too, not disfellowshipped or DA'd, and I never said anything against the gb or teachings. But in the 6 years since I last attended meetings nobody from the cong has contacted me, I do not get invited to the memorial or conventions either.

  • lifestooshort

    factfinder.. In all likelyhood you have probably been marked.

  • factfinder


    yes, I agree.

    It is amazing how nobody in that cong cared enough to find out WHY I gave up going to meetings or to encourage me to come back.

    So many of us are facing the same situation, and simply because we stopped attending meetings. It is sad.

    But I'm also glad I don't get bothered by the elders, as some do.

  • EmptyInside

    They treat you like this if you miss a lot of meetings too,even if,you're not officially inactive. And it's true,they don't care to find out the reason. They just love to jump to conclusions and judge. Honestly,I'm glad no one called,but it truly shows how much they care.

    My former best friend hasn't even replied to a couple of e-mails I sent her. I would never treat her like that.

  • ShadesofGrey

    It is so good to see you Timmy!

    Oh wow, I will have to save this one Blondie, thank you. Ridiculous, but I did see it being played out.

    a Christian personally chooses to limit association with another whose ways or attitudes are not good—for example, one who seems excessively focused on recreation
  • ShadesofGrey
    "Inactive" means "weak" - some may want to help you get stronger, others may avoid you so the ilk doesn't get on their nice clothes. Now, as long as a person keeps his mouth shut and takes whatever bones are thrown to him, a few will acknowledge the existence of a "weak" one from time to time.
    Then there are those that really like to talk about truth - that's when you cross the line and become an apostate..... someone very, very dangerous and not weak at all.
    Most people are very easily manipulated into doing just about anything, that's just the sad reality of the human condition.

    Yeah, when I was not yet aware of the TATT someone the same age as us invited me to a movie and kept calling me frequently, saying that it was wrong for the other congregation members to ignore me. My husband warned me that I was her pet project. Well, a few weeks later Christ brought me completely mentally out of the Org. As soon as I told her I was happy with my relationship with God, she said that I had a superior attitude and cut me off. :( Stupid mind-control.

  • 3rdgen

    Like so many, hubby and I are inactive(about 3 yrs) about half the witnesses shun us. Some ask us what hall we attend now. (assuming we must have changed congs) Not wanting to lie, I simply say

    we haven't been attending. Then they ask what's wrong? I truthfully say " things have been rough . We're sick and tired. :) I try to turn the conversation quickly back to them. The more embarrasing

    the better like ,How is your daughter doing?(the one who is an unwed mother) Or how is your son? (the one disfellowshipped for the 3rd time) You get it- pretty soon I'm not the only one who feels


  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite


    Do you think the kid was pressured to stay away from your dad? His reply sounds like it was coached.

  • moshe

    It doesn't take long for an inactive JW to become a stranger in the KH.

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