when Dateline airs....then what??

by gumby 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • gumby

    When Dateline airs the pedophile segment....what will be the mindset of the JW who sees it? Will this cause any significant stir amongst them? Will this blow over as the Voting issue did?

    Will the program, in a few weeks, be forgotten by the average dub?
    Or!!! Will there be many who leave over it?

  • Fredhall


    Then what?? Then we call each others liars and assholes.

  • Gopher

    Interesting question.

    The loyal JW will see this as a worldly, Satanic assault on his/her religion, and will minimize or dismiss it. They will say it's only a few cases, and they never have seen it themselves, and after all the **good** that the organization does supposedly outweighs any problems that a few on the fringe have, right?

    The program will serve as good input to those who are undecided about the JW's, whether they are inside or out. For some, it will be the straw that breaks their camel's back, preventing them from getting further involved with a harmful organization.

    J.R.Why shouldn't truth be stranger than fiction? Fiction, after all, has to make sense.
    Mark Twain (1835-1910)

  • LB

    They won't even notice it. It's going to be a "pack of apostate lies", right?

    Then they'll be certain that "WE HAVE to be in the last minutes of the last day".

    I just hope someone considering studying will pay attention and get away, fast.

  • gumby

    Well freddie...if that happens....it dosen't change the society's screwed up policy on HOW TO HANDLE the situation does it?

    Talk about assholes and liars....do you feel their policy is good in this matter?

  • expatbrit
    I just hope someone considering studying will pay attention and get away, fast.

    Aye, there's the rub.

    The vast majority of those already in are lost forever. The real battle is to dry up the supply of new victims. The Dateline program may be a very valuable contribution to that process.


  • gumby

    Quote: The program will serve as good input to those who are undecided about the JW's, whether they are inside or out. For some, it will be the straw that breaks their camel's back, preventing them from getting further involved with a harmful organization

    Well put! I agree.

    The sad thing is... I feel this will not do the damage we are all expecting, and when it is over we will all say..."if this didn't do it...what will"

  • coffee_black

    Many will view it as persecution, and will discount the evidence. There will be some who will be shocked that this evil exists in their ranks, but still stay loyal, the old "where else can we go?" routine.
    There will be some, probably relatively few, who will have known of some of these instances, and have been "waiting on Jehovah" to fix the problem. They may have thought that it was just an isolated incident, and will be horrified that it is so widespread, and the policies of the watchtower have allowed it to flourish. For those it may lead to life changing questions, and hopefully, answers.

    The public image of the watchtower, on the other hand, will have changed forever. They will have lost their image as "such sincere people". They will get questions at the doors that they will be unable to answer. Even for Witnesses who never see the Dateline program, they will be confronted with these issues.

    They will no longer be able to make the claim that they are so different from other religions. They are no better. At least other religions are owning up to it, and taking responsibility, at least in part. The watchtower won't even comment on it. What arrogant, ignorant fools. They think they are above it all. Nope. They are about to be taught a valuable lesson, and be publically humiliated.
    Does "conduct unbecoming a Christian" sound familiar? This time the details will be available for all the world to see.

    My greatest hope is that it will save some children from the same abuse. It may not solve the problem, but it is certainly a step in the right direction. But it is only the beginning.


  • Gopher


    You're right. We would do well to manage our expectations about the impact of any one event, any one expose, any one website or TV show or whatever.

    This information that will come out is all helpful and true, but by no means will it bring about an end to the WT Society, or even bring about major changes in Society policy. Maybe we can expect to see small changes of the "cover your butt" variety. But the inertia of the WT Society is so strong and resistant to much influence from the outside, as much as we wish it to be any other way.

    Again, this is not to minimize or denigrate the good work done by those who have worked hard to expose the Society for what it is. I, for one, am forever grateful for the work done by those whom the Society labels apostates, but whom I would view as "freedom fighters".

    J.R.Why shouldn't truth be stranger than fiction? Fiction, after all, has to make sense.
    Mark Twain (1835-1910)

  • Fredhall


    If someone is being molested then call the police. Is that a hard policy?

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