gumby, she only quotes Watchtower and Awake articles. She in not informed on the policy. She recites this crap to me and I start to get annoyed.
Her father was not a JW, however, his mother and father were, both were annointed at one point, then my greatgrandmother dropped out and became an "evil slave."
I asked my Mom this morning what her grandfather did when he heard she was molested by his son? As she said in the past, he denounced her as a tramp!
I sent her some articles from Nic's web site and from silentlambs. I was hoping she would at least agree that the dubs are psycho. I know that is alot to expect, however, she was abused and this issue is close to her heart.
I know she gave standard, head in the sand answers. However, it did make an impact.
She just won't accept that the elders will cover this up. I am going to continue to send articles to her.
Her heartless remark is typical for her. When I posted the info on her and blood, I kinda am seeing a pattern. She is not one to root for the underdog in any situation. I really think that she believes that if she holds on to the JW beliefs she will make it to paradise. Even if she has done some "ethically, morally" questionable things.
She would make Archie Bunker blush with the comments she makes. She vilifies every least Archie was doing it in the 70's. She will not let go.
She is not like any other JW women I have known. She is an enigma. I have been trying to understand her way of thinking and I do not want to be like her.
I am honestly glad I live far enough away that I can visit once or twice a year, for short periods.