For some reason I remember that one brother's appeal took a while, because he was df'd for some time. Not years but mayve months. I was a real ass back then and I wouldn't even acknowledge his presence when he was still waiting his answer.
Disfellowshipping Rescinded!
by 00DAD 59 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I think it was called "" Last time I looked it was gone - I cant remember the names of the people who posted their stories, or the congo the events i spoke of happened.
Blondie might remember... she is huge in this kind of thing!
Yes, I almost had seen that happen. This was when a brother moved into our territory, and he mentioned some things about his committee case. Seems that they DF'd him based on a verbal expression, but they should of gotten it in writting. The CO contacted the branch and it almost got rescinded. The problem is that new events didn't help this guy out. But, it was going to be rescinded if this brother behaved.
life is to short
JRK that is what I was thinking also. Flipper was able to do it and it was really cool how he went about it I thought.
Check his back posts I think he posted it.
I know one sister was df'd for taking two single brothers in her house overnight because of the heavy snow conditions. She wrote a letter to the WT society, they made the elders announce to the KH that they made a big mistake for disfellowshipping her.
White Dove
I think Flipper had his second one reversed.
I'm not straight on his story concerning this, though.
I think there are a few success stories here on this board - what I've heard about are those where they threatened the elders on the Judicial Committee with lawsuits if they proceeded with the action of disfellowshipping - but the situations have usually NOT involved any "biblical" basis for exulsion such as fornication, adultery, drunkenness, and so on - usually it was over disagreement with Watchtower dogma...
I hope that's clearer than mud...
Unfortunately, I don't know these details personally, but I do trust the person that told me. She wasn't a gossiper. She told me a brother in her hall was DF'd but never admitted to doing anything wrong. I assume this was a case of 2 witnesses since he was DF'd anyway. So he went to every single meeting for a couple of years, but would not confess. Reinstatement would require confession and repentence. Suddenly his DF was rescinded. I wish I knew more details. He would tell everyone that he simply left it in Jehovah's hands. A true Dub all the way.
I know about a case of an elder whose DF'ing was reversed at the US Branch/Bethel level. It involved a C.O. who had gotten out of control and was removing elders by the score, leaving a trail of congregational wreckage behind. I don't even know why the elder was df'd in the first place, other than being hated by the crazy C.O.
A Bethel brother was assigned to investigate the whole mess and he strictly instructed the friends not to question or get curious about the whole thing. DF'ing reversed, that's that, don't ask. The lunatic C.O. got removed and nearly df'd himself. I viewed him as a sociopath who never should have been given authority over anybody else.
This sort of thing is extremely rare and likely only happened because the stink and lunacy got so severe that the Service Dept. said 'WTF' (in effect).