I was around when there was a reversal in one congregation. One elder called Smith had been meeting another man's wife alone and in the end the husband broke his nose for it. He was not liked by the local elders so they decided to DF the elder because he had ignored previous advice not to meet with this woman alone. His argument was his kids were in the house (but not in the same room).
He appealed, and it was reversed. The reason was never explained from the platform but it was soon common knowledge - the elders had told him he was to be DF'd but announced it before waiting the full 7 days he is granted for an appeal. So on this technicality it was reversed on appeal, by elders who were his friends. What was odd about all this was that the Bible says nothing at all about having to wait 7 days, nor about not being in a room with a woman alone. Also, the elders who DF'd him originally had no interest in repentence or not, they just wanted him out - yet not one of them was removed for abuse of power or anything like that once he got reinstated.
Some said it proved God was controlling things since it was resolved in the end but really there was no evidence of Holy Spirit from beginning to end.
As for the guy who broke his nose, he got DF'd! The elder took him to court and they decided, since he had broken a nose, he was guilty. They considered that the elder had been warned before not to mess with his wife or be alone with her - so they awarded the elder the minimum $20 compensation and he had to pay all his own court costs. Now that's justice!