00DAD- As some have mentioned I successfully got my DFing overturned back a few years ago. For the sake of not inconviencing people who haven't read this having to dig through my 27 pages of topic started archives I'll try to BRIEFLY share this experience.
I had been inactive for about 4 years and had moved 80 miles away from where I used to attend meetings. I was scripturally free to date/and or marry so I was engaged to be married to mrs. Flipper - we were 1 month away from marrying. My fanatic JW ex-wife ( whom I had been divorced from since 1998 ) drove up 80 miles with her newer JW husband and my youngest daughter & boyfriend to see on a Saturday morning if Mrs. Flipper and I were engaged in the act of having sex- apparently. I had gone to Mrs. Flipper's house to take her to get tires on her car . at 10:00 A.M. in the morning I answered her door ( fully clothed ) and my daughter was there at the doorstep. ( Keep in mind I hadn't SEEN or talked to this daughter in 4 years ) She tried to infer she wanted to see where I lived and mentioned her mom and stepdad were up sitting in their car. I said , " It's good to see you, but I don't live here . Just helping my fiance out. " So she left.
Next thing I know two weeks later I'm getting nasty letters from my older JW parents claiming they are ashamed of me and my older elder brother writing me that " I'm not welcome in his home until I return to Jehovah ". So AFTER Mrs. Flipper and I got married we start getting threatening calls from an elder in my old congregation 80 miles away saying I need to meet in a JC with them. I denied I was guilty of ANYTHING and Mrs. Flipper told the elder to go help people in a food bank or something, to stop harassing us. The elders kept harassing us for 5 straight months until I got a letter telling me they had SET UP a date for my JC telling me when to attend. The night before I called the elders answering machine and reiterated that I was NOT GUILTY of anything and because of that I wouldn't be meeting with them. I also threatened to call police and get a restraining order if the harassment continued !
Fast forward two months and two elders show up uninvited at our doorstep to tell me the judicial committee DFed me in absentia for what they called " circumstancial fornication ". I asked if they had any eyewitnesses to this " circumstancial fornication " ? They said " No" but that my daughter had come to my door and found me at my fiances house. I explained about the tires o the ar, etc. - then they said " You have 7 days to appeal the decision. " I told them I WOULD appeal it and that they were NOT going to cause me to lose out associating with my 80 something year old JW parents. I DID appeal the DFing with a " Doc Bob " letter indicating I'd sue their a$$ if they DFed me unjustly for " slander & defamation of character ".
A judicial appeal JC meeting was scheduled a month later with 6 elders sitting in judgment of me. ( A little known fact is in the older elders manual it states you can take an eyewitness with you to stand up in your defense to uphold your story ) So my then 23 year old son agreed to go and stand up for me as an eyewitness to my character. My son and I were cool, calm, and collected - stayed to the facts of denial of any wrongdoing and my on said he was insulted by the elders unjustly charging me with this. They sent us out of the room - then called me back in saying they were at an impasse and couldn't decide WHAT decision to make. ( I had a feeling the original elders wanted to DF me , but the newer appeal elders disagreed saying there was not enough evidence to convict me ) . So they had to write a letter to Bethel legal - keeping me twisting in the wind for another month on a decision. This fiasco had already gone about 10 months !
So I got a phone call from the appeal elder chairman saying I was free to go, that the WT society had told them to overturn the DFing ! No reason was given me ( of course ) -but I assumed it was lack of evidence & the threatening lawsuit letter I sent. They " encouraged " me to go back to meetings in my area, I told them " No thanks. I've been hurt too much by this . I won't be returning.
In essence it sucked 10 months out of my life , caused me to go on blood pressure medicine and generally caused havoc in my JW family. I owe these guys nothing but disdain and a rocket launcher up their anal cavity the rest of their lives . Fortunately they haven't tried harassing me since - they have left us alone for 4 years now. So - that's my story. In my opinion you HAVE to stand up to them and be an eyesore and deny, deny, deny ! It's the only way you'll get anything accomplished, what's the term " theocratic warfare " ? You bet ( sorry this wasn't brief. Kind of hard to make it so. )