“How did we miss this?”
We missed it because we were indoctrinated to miss it.
1. JWs are taught carefully selected mantras.
WTS doctrines are based on a small number of carefully selected proof-texts that ignore the surrounding context and other passages that don’t match the paradigm.
As an example, if you were a JW any length of time, you can probably quote from memory this portion of Ecclesiastes 9:5: “For the living are conscious that they will die; but as for the dead, they are conscious of nothing at all…”
The WT always stops there. They take that half verse literally as being Jehovah’s revelation of what happens to a person after death. End of discussion. Mantra complete. No competing thoughts or questions are allowed.
Were you ever encouraged to read or ask questions about the very next verse? “6 Also, their love and their hate and their jealousy have already perished, and they have no more portion any more to time indefinite in anything that has to be done under the sun.”
If you take THAT verse literally as Jehovah’s revelation about what happens to a person after death, so much for anyone being resurrected and living forever in paradise on earth! Since it doesn’t match the WT paradigm, it is never quoted.
2. JWs are only supposed to ask the Watchtower’s questions and give the Watchtower’s answers.
Think of the Watchtower studies. The questions weren’t YOUR questions. They were the questions the WT writers asked for you. They didn’t want your thinking regarding the answers. You were supposed to go through the Watchtower ahead of time, underline, and then regurgitate their answers.
What would have happened if someone had read out this thread’s quotation from Paul and asked for an explanation? Would Leolaia have been allowed to share any of the insights she posted here?
3. JWs are required to trust the organization, not their own Bible study.
Who were you to think you could understand the Bible? If you thought you had your own insight, you were proud and rebellious and running ahead of Jehovah. Your only hope of understanding the Bible was to meekly receive meat in due season from the table of the faithful and discreet slave.
4. The WTS gives JWs so much WT literature to read, so many meetings to attend, and so much field service to do, that you don’t have time to do anything else.