Please discuss why you don't believe in God and that which could convince you to believe in God ???
sincere question .....What could make you believe in God ?
by caliber 55 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
If God carved his name in the moon, I would consider that to be fairly convincing evidence, assuming it isn't an alien practical joke. However, if there is a God, he might also be an alien.
There are many things that would convince me.
Here's one:
". . .If believers in, say, the Mormon faith, or the Baha'i faith, or the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod, were found to be far healthier, wealthier, and happier than believers in other faiths, if their prayers came true significantly more often, if they had far fewer accidents and birth defects and genetic diseases and pediatric cancer -- and this difference was statistically significant, much greater than could be accounted for by higher wealth or social status or something -- I would be persuaded that God existed, and that this faith was the correct one, and that God was rewarding these believers for the correctness of their faith."
Oooooooh... Nice one. I was going to suggest an imprint on our DNA that when read through an electron microscope read "Made in Heaven", but I like LeavingWT's answer.
If God came down to Earth and started performing miracles (without the help of any technology), I might be convinced, but I would never quite know for sure if it was God or some alien with scientific knowledge well beyond our own... But I would take the God-Alien on faith at that point. It's a bit of a stretch of the imagination for me because the concept of God is so unlikely that the proof would have to be extremely robust.
EDIT: I could use $100, as well.
PZ Meyers takes a much different stand:
". . . any evidence of a deity will be natural, repeatable, measurable, and even observable…properties which god is exempted from by the believers' own definitions, so there can be no evidence for it. And any being who did suddenly manifest in some way — a 900 foot tall Jesus, for instance — would not fit any existing theology, so such a creature would not fit the claims of any religion, but the existence of any phenomenon that science cannot explain would not discomfit science at all, since we know there is much we don't understand already, and adding one more mystery to the multitude will not faze us in the slightest."
". . . There is no valid god hypothesis, so there can be no god evidence, so let's stop pretending the believers have a shot at persuading us."
reasons to consider... (many seem to need hard facts and solid proof reasons .... how about these ?
The complexity of our planet points to a deliberate Designer who not only created our universe, but sustains it today.
The universe operates by uniform laws of nature. Why does it?
The DNA code informs, programs a cell's behavior. -
Valid evidence that can be found outside of the book you are trying to prove. If I am trying to prove that a table is made of wood, would I say "Yes but look at the patterns, it MUST be wood."? Of course not, if you are trying to prove the Bible to me, don't use the Bible. Find me proof.
". . . any evidence of a deity will be natural, repeatable, measurable, and even observable…properties which god is exempted from by the believers' own definitions, so there can be no evidence for it. And any being who did suddenly manifest in some way — a 900 foot tall Jesus, for instance — would not fit any existing theology, so such a creature would not fit the claims of any religion, but the existence of any phenomenon that science cannot explain would not discomfit science at all, since we know there is much we don't understand already, and adding one more mystery to the multitude will not faze us in the slightest."
". . . There is no valid god hypothesis, so there can be no god evidence, so let's stop pretending the believers have a shot at persuading us."
Yikes, to be so narrowed not see that THIS (what we know today) is NOT everything that there is to know...yikes !