sincere question .....What could make you believe in God ?

by caliber 55 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • ziddina
    "the danube river is mostly in austria (at least we got the danube waltz!). ..."

    Whoops, guess I should have said something to the effect of, "the ancient territories of the Germanic tribes..."

    Danu is also mentioned in Irish mythology, as the mother of the "Tuatha de Danann", "people of the Goddess Danu". This apparently refers to the major group of Irish deities who were believed to have descended from the Goddess Danu...

  • cofty

    Caliber, its not for the person who has examined and rejected claims for god to produce evidence against his existence.

    The evidence for god is lacking that is why I don't believe.

  • ShadesofGrey
    Oh don't worry. He will. "The fourth poured out his bowl upon the sun, and it was given to it to scorch men with fire. Men were scorched with fierce heat; and they blasphemed the name of God who has the power over these plagues, and they did not repent so as to give Him glory. Then the fifth poured out his bowl on the throne of the beast, and his kingdom became darkened; and they gnawed their tongues because of pain, 11and they blasphemed the God of heaven because of their pains and their sores; and they did not repent of their deeds. - shadesofgrey <
    A member of Christ's body,

    Now that's where you thesits do more to destroy your cse than any atheist could.

    I am sincere, if there was evidence for god I would believe in him but ehre isn't. Your response is childish threats from a book that I have already told you is totally discredited.

    Oh Cofty, my point was not a threat at all! It was pointing out that I sincerely believe in His justice. Each time a bowl is poured out in Revelation (and happenings at that time do provide sure evidence for God's existence, power and truth of His promises), unbelievers are given another chance to repent, not immediately destroyed.

    As for why I quote from the Bible, but don't defend its inerrancy, well, I believe parts of the Bible are the words of God and are beneficial, but others aren't. The Spirit from Christ helps those who accept Him as their only mediator and reply upon Him, and doesn't help those who don't (like those who rely on governing bodies, faithful slaves, priests and popes as mediators).

    A new life in Christ,


  • cofty
    I believe parts of the Bible are the words of God and are beneficial, but others aren't.

    If he inspired the bible why didn't he inspire all of it and keep it pure? Your god really is useless isn't he?

  • ShadesofGrey

    Because Christ is the truth, not words printed on a page. And, likely for the same reason he spoke in illustrations.



  • metatron

    I lost faith in a personal creator because I see no morality in nature. This is an old argument, going back to Darwin and Origin Of The Species. The natural world is loaded with utter horrors and claws and fangs and teeth and blood and pain. There's T. Rex and mosquitoes and guinea worms and , if you believe in intelligent design, they show it!

    Sorry, I see no explanation other than no bearded guy on a throne calling the shots. Distributed intelligence and non local consciousness, maybe.


  • exwhyzee

    What could make me believe in God?

    For starters, a clear, easy to understand, no nonsense set of instructions as to what he wants from us and an explaination of how we got here and where we are going, would have been nice.

  • Larsinger58

    Good question. But if you are a JW and of the "anointed" then it is easy to believe in God (specifically, the god of the Bible) because we interact and observe the works of the holy spirit. So if you're of the anointed belief in god is a confirmed reality based on personal experience.


  • cofty

    Because Christ is the truth, not words printed on a page. And, likely for the same reason he spoke in illustrations

    How do you know? The bible is unreliable by your own admission. So how do you know what he said?

  • vientotz

    The Bible is the only thing left to prove that God exist but unfortunately the Bible was translated in different languages. We are really not sure if it was translated exactly what is written in the original. XDD

    Even if there's no solid proof, even if scientist don't have evidence to proved God existence-- I believe in Him!

    What makes me believe in Him-- He always answered my prayers XD as fast as my mom answered the phone when its midnight and i'm still with my friend's home. XDD

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