OUTLAW - Are you messing with me?, What the hell is wrong with you?. Is lashing out at me part of the benefit of that freedom you claim to have gained?
Are you sure leaving the JW religion has made your life better?. Lurkers think twice
by mankkeli 260 Replies latest jw experiences
If we were in a non-cult we wouldn't be having these idiotic threads.
The biggest problem with those of us that left? Many of us were TRUE BELIEVERS. Meaning once we realized that there was too many lies we applied the WT's own reasoning against it: A little leaven spoils the whole lump.
So you could apply your reasoning to ANYONE "happy" in their current belief system. If that's the case, how could you in good conscience bring people into this cultish religion? One that isolates and breaks up famalies, cooked up a whacky blood doctrine along with SO many other views at the time amounted to medicinal black magic, and DOES NOT CARE about the individual. I've seen long term faithful people spit up and chewed out over trivial organizational BS.
Your arguments are invalid and you're wasting our time. Oh and NRFG, I guess your ambien and booze cocktails are helping you cope with staying in this crap. If that makes you happy whatever dude
NRFG - I am watching you, what are you doing here?
anyone that tells you to participate in the preaching work is working for the devil.
i'm calling it - mankell is pure JW. probably high up in the organization. and his job right now is to do counter intellegence on the apostate websites.
let's all review his posts and disect his life.
Please ask yourself this question, If I leave this organization how would my exit improve my relationship with those I love most
It created a bond that can never be broken with my girls. My two daughters practically worship the ground I walk on because I rescued them at 13 and 14 from a cult that would have denied them the university education that they are so much enjoying tiday.
I reunited with my brother Derek that I absolutely adored my whole life. I had cut him off for years due to him being disfellowshipped. When I left the cult, Derek and I spent almost every possible minute together eating, drinking, laughing, playing, vacationing etc for 11 months until his untimely fatal motorcycle accident.
And you think you have the audacity to even hint that those 11 months were somehow in vain. F...You! Go crawl back in your hole where you belong!!
OUTLAW - Would leaving the organization make them happier, has discovering the corruption of the organization enhanced their worth in life?
Some yes,some No..
It`s none of my business if some want to stay..
You crossed that line and passed Judgement on those that left..
Discovering the Corruption in the WBT$ was well worth it..
If anyone has the courage to leave the WBT$,theres alot of us willing to help them..
You don`t like that..And..We don`t care..
Mankkeli does have a point. That many (not the majority however) of us do have anger for having been duped by a scam. And for those of us with family still in are experiencing heart ache and trouble. But that is NOT a reason to bury your head in the sand and pretend you don't know the real truth! For those that don't want to DA themselves....they can do what a lot of us are doing. They can fade while trying to implement Hassan's tactics in hopefully getting our families out over time too.
Since when it pretending you DON'T know the truth ever a real solution? If it is, it has to be teh most yellow-bellied and cowardly solution I've ever heard. Focus on the positive side? Are you nucking futs? There are positive sides to EVERYTHING. Perhaps we should focus on the positive side of other cults. Perhaps we should focus on the positive side of jihad Islam.
We are all familiar with the movie The Matrix. You, Sir are suggesting that perhaps we should all just take the blue pill and go back to life as it once was. Sorry. No. Most of us have a conscience. And we cannot shut if off. We cannot silence the voice that tells us to act when something is wrong. If you want to forget what you've learned and go back to being a witness because you don't like the inconvenience of knowing the truth and doing the right thing...then you might as well employ that attitude elsewhere in your life. If you see an old lady getting robbed.....don't help her. Take the easy way out that doesn't involve the possibility of personal harm and the hassle of police reports........go ahead and look the other way. And if your class you are taking is too hard for you........don't get extra help and study harder. No. Quit and enroll in an easier elective course like pottery. (I apologize to any ceramics enthusiasts in the crowd)
Remain in the organization and continue preaching? Not only should we bury our heads in the sand....but we should suppress the truth that we now know and tell lies in order to recruit other people? You are out of your mind
Although far from perfect, the world got the way it is today (more personal freedoms than ever before) because individuals and groups of people QUIT BEING CONTROLLED and took matters into their own hands. The founding fathers of the United States risked their very lives for freedom. And that freedom has spread around the world in 250 years. Life might be much different if they buried their heads in the sand and said "yes this life sucks....but hey....it could be worse. Let's go ahead and send more tax $ to the king".
No Room For George
NRFG - I am watching you, what are you doing here?
I'm trying to bring those lost sheep back to their senses. In 1 Cor 15, Paul went down the line on those Counterfeit Christians who lost sight of the prize, and hence they stopped running the race with endurance. They would rather partake of the pleasures and financial prospects available in Corinth. They even allowed themselves to be influenced by the various philosophies and religions present during the time. The old saying held true in their case, that they traded a ham for a weiner. In a sense, the same thing has happened on this very forum!!! We've traded the spiritual nourishment provided by the slave class, for the freedom to wallow about in spiritual darkness and the end results were as you said, Mankkeli!!! Mankkeli, you're right!!! We've gained the freedom to wallow about in darkness, and the end results are we are more unhappy than we were as Jehovah's Witnesses. All of us need to get back to our parent organization. It will take humility, but it will result in wonderful blessings in the long run.
I am walking out of the religion because it is not the truth. I was miserable as a witness because I was expected to believe and teach things that are not true. I don't know where my fade will end up but I do know that life is too short to pretend to believe a lie. I know that when I was on stage, being forced to sell something that I wouldn't buy, that I was hating myself for being a hypocrite.
Within the organization are a group of loving genuinely nice people. That exists in the world also. You can go through your life choosing to believe a lie, that is your choice and I support it if that makes you happy. It still doesn't change the fact that the foundation of your beliefs and confidence is built on a lie.
Again, life is too short to spend your life bowing down to a group of men pretending to speak for God.
Mickey mouse
Mankkeli and NRFG, I think in your cases you should take your own counsel, leave this forum and stay in the organization.
Just be sure not to tell anyone you frequent apostate forums.