OUTLAW - Is that all you have to show for your so-called freedom?. I am not convinced you are really free.
Are you sure leaving the JW religion has made your life better?. Lurkers think twice
by mankkeli 260 Replies latest jw experiences
Sounds like Mank would have us negotiate with terrorists. Break free Mank, only then will you understand the exhilaration of freedom. And it's a silly question to ask Mrs. J if all of her life's problems are solved. Everyone but JW's knows that life is full of problems and always will be. Believing a fairytale won't change that.
I have never had one regret, doubt, or desire to turn back. The thought of it makes my stomach flip. HORRIBLE religion, and KH's are HORRIBLE buildings. Yeah, I lost the freindship of my fellow inmates, but what prisioner would go back in to keep their friends?
"Even Raymond franz a guru apostate wondered till death on the reason for the high surge of baptismal candidate. His confusion led to the complications of his sickness which later resulted in his death..." Mannkeli
what in the holy hell are you talking about?
your crazy dude.
mankkeli: How does your present situation benefit you?, how does the aggressive need for freedom and conscience uplifted your state of mind?
I no longer feel the constant unrelenting pressure of living a lie, pretending to be someone I was not. (Once I knew the WT theology was false, then continuing as a Witness was living a lie.) Also, the guilt the Society lays on individuals that have doubts and dissent is oppressive. That turned to anger when I realized that THEY are wrong and I was not.
Your second question actually does make any sense. The need for freedom of conscience is a natural, in-born human need. Maybe it's stronger in some others, but it's there in any normal person. The Society's rigid version of religion unnaturally suppresses that desire. This creates tension within a person that is self-destructive. At first we believe that it IS our fault as the WT magazines say. Just pray more, study more, go out in service more. I tried all of those things. They don't work. You know why? Because that isn't the problem, their lies and manipulative mind-control tactics are the problem. No amount of prayer will fix that!
It was only when I was free of the abusive control of the WT cult that I could experience any uplifting of my mind. It is good, wonderful even, but not with out pain. Apparently life is pain.
i didn't read all the posts,
did anyone mention that JW's are blasphemers?(don't believe in hell, micheal = jesus, etc.)
and false prophets.
and we should all know the resting place of the blasphemers and false prophets. eternal death.
so IN WISDOM i have left the JW blasphemus organization.
if you decide to stay, you know where you will end up.
jesus said whoever leaves family for his name sake, his reward will be great in heaven.
do you want to make men happy or god happy?
it will always be your choice to make.
Lurkers please I beg you, hold on to what you have, dont walk along the same path with those who have left for decades and keep ranting here to get some therapy. leaving doesnt worth it after all. Remain in the organization, keep your senses and maintain a good balance, Participate in the preaching work and encourage fellow christains as much as possible
So, you want people who have doubts to stifle them and actively recruit others to believe what they cannot?
I suggest you find out what ethics are and get some.
NewChapter - I wish regrets doesnt knock on your door very soon
How is A person,s character determind.
Life is filled with , obstacles, frustrations, inner struggles
and dilemma. How do you cope with things which test
our character.
The choices and decisions we make are dependent on
such highly personal things. As couage, strength of
character, personal ideals and standards.
All here have exhibit great character, because of
what they have done. Walk away from this cult,
knowingly he or she will lose, mother, Father, sister
brother, and friends. In my book , that,s A hell of A person.
zengalileo- Your folly is evident in your post, you called me sad little thing?, Is this what you have to show for leaving the religion,
abusing someone you dont know?. You idiot!, Imbecile.
Your the one who wants to keep JW`s Stupid..
Keep them Mindlessly working for a Corrupt Organization..
That does make you a sad human being..
No room for George I hope you were kidding. But I suppose it's still better to have a bottle in front of you then a frontal lobotomy