Are you sure leaving the JW religion has made your life better?. Lurkers think twice
by mankkeli 260 Replies latest jw experiences
NRFG - Are you mocking or just being sarcastic?,
Mickey Mouse - you dont know me, do you?
I am pretty shocked by this thread. Most people that write experiences state categorically that they are forever grateful that they found out the truth about the truth and left, despite the hurt of loosing family.
Does your new found freedom assure you of a life-free problem?
That comment of yours shows how flawed your thinking is. It appears you have not been able to get passed the black-and-white rhetorical fallacies that the Watchtower has tainted you with. Leaving a high control religion doesn't magically make all lifes problems disappear. All people struggle with emotional, family and health issues. It seems you are a prime candidate for being sucked back into another cult if you think there some person or organisation can offer you a problem-free life.
What you are advocating plays into the hands of cults. For as long as people are not prepared to stand up against them out of fear of retribution cults will continue to develop and grow around the world. I am personally glad that there are now millions of exJWs (and similar people leaving other cults) that did have the strength of character to stand up against religious oppression and leave. Otherwise these religions would grow out of control and create even more problems.
Mickey mouse
Maybe I would be better off with my faith in the WT in tact. Yes I was deluded and my faith was based on fallacies but at least things were OK with my family.
Wait a minute, wouldn't that also apply to people who left other religions for the WT and lost relationships with family?
Mickey mouse
Duplicate post.
Peace and happiness. That's the best way to sum up my dub afterlife. Everyone, logically faces problems in life. I'm sure your life is not prefect Mankelli. Obviously, you like to question and wonder as well. We have all wondered if we made the right choice in leaving. The overall answer will be, yes.
I grew up with MT's, Elders, CO's DO's. I would watch entire congregations swoon over their presence. But they were just magicians, unhappy, restless and empty. They were all miserable, All of their relationships based on the lies they presented. Such a facade.
Seeing this my entire life, and comparing it with who I am now. I can definitely say, I lead a happy, full life.
If ignorance is bliss for some, then let it be so.
JWfacts - Many are better off remainning in cult than being out, do you agree with me?
OUTLAW - Are you messing with me?, What the hell is wrong with you?. Is lashing out at me part of the benefit of that freedom you claim to have gained?
You have a Problem with people who speak truthfully..
So does the WBT$..Thats why we left..LOL!!..
You can`t say what you want when your a JW..
The WBT$ has to be protected at all costs..Even if you have to lie..
Theocratic Warfare Statagy..The Art of telling WBT$ lies..
Do you remember who the Father of the Lie is?..
Could it be..
This thread boils down to a classic CULT fallacy.
"where else would we go?"
Mickey mouse
Mickey Mouse - you dont know me, do you?
I don't know if I know you personally or not. It's one of the inherent problems on a forum populated by anonymous posters - anonymous due to the nature of the CULT they belonged to.