If I hear one more person say...

by iamwhoiam 35 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • LostGeneration

    Its one hell of a setup they have going...

    If they are right (which seldom, if ever happens) then they are "God's Org"

    If they are wrong (which usually happens, see 1975, "this generation" blood fractions) then its "new light" or Jehovah's chariot moving forward.

    Its the ultimate "heads they win, tails you lose" setup.

    "Even if we don't agree with new light, we should ask ourselves, where else would we go?
    Without this organization, we would never have learned the basic bible truths we have today."

    Is it Necessary to replace Crap?..

    WBT$ Bethel..

    Home of the WBT$ GB..


  • shamus100

    Ah yes... where else shall you go?

    Where shall you go child? Into the arms of... Beelzebub???? Muuuuhahahahaha!!!! MUUUUUHAHAHAHAAHAHAH!!!! MUUUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA!!!!!!! BOOOOHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA!!!!!

    Don't you just love it when a high control group twists scriptures beyond all human recognition? One scripture in the bible is the whole tipping point for them - it's all they have left.

    So tell me, where shall you go? Does it matter? A lie is a lie.

  • mrsjones5

    Fear, it's all based on fear.

  • 00DAD

    THEM: Without this organization, we would never have learned the basic bible truths we have today.

    ME: Ummm, but I was a Christian BEFORE I became a JW. I'm no longer a JW, but I am still a Christian. Let's do the math, 25 years later and I'm about where I was BEFORE I ever studied with JWs, just a whole lot more messed up!

    BTW, It's not "where" would we go, but "to whom" should we go! Duh, WT mind games make me sick!!!

    John 6:68 - Peter said, "“Lord, whom shall we go away to?"

  • ziddina
    "Even if we don't agree with new light, we should ask ourselves, where else would we go? Without this organization, we would never have learned the basic bible truths we have today."


    "We lied to you, and now our lies are being exposed. So here's some NOO LITE - slightly adjusted lies - so shut up and continue to obey us!!"

  • Jewel

    I always wondered how I could be sure THIS "New Light" wasn't going to turn into next year's "Old Light" when some new "New Light" came out...

  • DesirousOfChange

    "Where else can we go?"

    I don't think that's what Jesus said. He said "To WHOM else can we go?" There are plenty of other "where's" to go. This board is one of them.

    Dammit, doesn't matter what the BIBLE says..........it is NEVER quoted that way when spoken from the stage. (Just heard it yesterday!)

    It's always "where else but the Congregation/Organization can we go to find.........." (fill in the blank)


  • Bella15

    Sorry ... throwing up right now

  • lifestooshort

    If the light gets any brighter blindness will follow. Oh yeah thats what they want-blind followers...

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