If I hear one more person say...

by iamwhoiam 35 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • MrFreeze

    "Where will you go?"

    Why do I have to go anywhere? Why is it not enough to just be a good person, to live my life in a way that helps people in practical ways besides just shoving literature down people's throats?

  • ziddina
    "I always wondered how I could be sure THIS "New Light" wasn't going to turn into next year's "Old Light" when some new "New Light" came out..." Jewel


    Now I'm getting dizzy...

  • Hiding Questioner
    Hiding Questioner

    "After being awakened to reality, as well as experiencing a nervous breakdown from having the wool ripped from my eyes, I secretly explored everything else. So now you know how much pain im causing myself by doing something I don't believe in (eg. service)"

    Happened/happening to me too, nervious breakdown and all. Thank goodness not a MS. I feel for you.


  • flipper

    I subscribe to MR Freezes view. " Why do I have to go anyhere ? " Exactly. Who or what says we have to join ANY group or organization in order to be a good person and help people in practical ways ? People can do that on their own quite well. It's the great lie and myth in our modern society and throughout history that people NEED a religion or join a GROUP in order to be good people. Personally- I think joining groups turns people into mind controlled drones and robots unable to think for themselves ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • shamus100

    Just to put it in perspective - the apostles were talking about Jesus, not a pharasitical organization.

    There, better.

  • ziddina


    Shamus is here!!!

  • lola-rabbit

    I really wished they would have gotten more in depth with the topic, they only gave it 2 paragrahps...not much light there.

  • PSacramento

    You know, I really don't have issues with the whole "new light" thing.

    As a very young religion ( less than 100 years old), there is bound to be some doctrinal changes along the way.

    I just HOPE they are changes for the better and NOT for the worse.

    Changes I would like to see:

    The "no blood" doctrine change to what it REALLY means ( no eating of blood).

    Greater emphasis on Christ, you know that guy that died for us, that is our lord, saviour and redeemer, yeah, that guy.

    Allow all to partake of the lords supper.

  • 00DAD

    PSacramento: You know, I really don't have issues with the whole "new light" thing. As a very young religion ( less than 100 years old), there is bound to be some doctrinal changes along the way.

    At the risk of speaking for everyone, I don't think the majority of us have a problem with "changes" per se, but rather with the fact that anyone that disagrees will be disfellowshipped for disagreeing, labelled an apostate, called " mentally diseased " and shunned by our family members and former friends.

    Oh, and how about the fact that they claim to have the "Truth" but teach things that are wrong and never, ever admit a mistake or error!

  • undercover

    "Where else can we go?"

    I went straight to the liquor store. Who needs God's Holy Spirit when I can get a whole store of spirits in all kinds of flavors and colors...

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