That is an oversimplification, James. The church funded the research that discovered those four moons. Geocentrism was the consensus scientific position at that time.
Yes, monsignor - and yet, it still moves (I muttered as I bow down)
by mankkeli 56 Replies latest watchtower bible
That is an oversimplification, James. The church funded the research that discovered those four moons. Geocentrism was the consensus scientific position at that time.
Yes, monsignor - and yet, it still moves (I muttered as I bow down)
Yes, monsignor - and yet, it still moves (I muttered as I bow down)
What you are alluding to is a myth, as is much of the popular version of the story.
BTS - please do not assume that my comments are disrespect for the Roman Catholic Church.
I have been to Rome - I respect it very much. For one thing, it corrects its mistakes - over a very, very, long time.
But of all things Italian - I think you know which one I respect the most. Science and Art in motion.
The article misunderstands (among many things) survival of the fittest.
It suggests that the understanding itself leads humans to brutality. Fit in this context is not referring solely to physical strength or domination. This is a reference to DIFFERENTIAL FITNESS. Differential fitness is the ability for individuals to survive to reproductive age and then to reproduce offspring that will in turn, successfully reproduce.
A finch with a longer, thinner beak that lives on an island where the main food source is insects will have greater reproductive success than a finch with a shorter, thicker beak, because longer, thinner beaks are more effective at acquiring insects. This individual will have more food, be stronger, and will produce more offspring more frequently. It will also pass on the traits of longer and thinner beak to those offspring. In this next generation of long, thin beaked finches, those with longer and thinner beaks even in this group will have greater reproductive succes. The cycle continues. With the passage of many generations, successful finches will continue to have longer and thinner beaks until there is a stabilizing factor. In other words, long, thin beaks are an advantage only to a point. When they reach the point where going longer or thinner becomes a disadvantage, the population will stabilize.
Finches are not at war with each other. They are not dominating each other. Nature is simply selecting the most successful individuals who pass on favorable traits with more frequency than less advantaged individuals.
This also plays out in a predator/prey scenario. If a predator has poor eyesight and seeks larger fish eggs, then the smaller fish eggs will be more successful. Over time, eggs will grow smaller and smaller through natural selection, simply because fish that lay smaller eggs will outnumber fish that lay larger eggs.
Humans can misapply any kind of knowledge they wish. The same science that cures diseases also creates biological weapons. One could say that Evolution is not the cause for human brutality, but rather, the failure of religion and belief in a god to control such behavior.
As anthropology teaches us to shed ethnocentricity (something supported by religion---look at how missionaries seek to change "lesser" cultures) and to understand that such designations as "race" are arbitrary and not scientific, we become a better people. Long before evolutionary theory, European christians viewed cultures outside themselves as inferior and not to be respected. They viewed the people in such cultures as subservient. Slavery (as practiced by Europeans and Americans) and colonialism was made possible by the the prejudice fostered by religion.
And yet - it still moves.
Humans can misapply any kind of knowledge they wish.
Bingo. Great post, NC. Since the OP is obviously by a religious poster, we can see how religion and the idea of God has been abused as well.
What Mankkeli has not truthfully come forward with is the effects of religion and spiritualism has had on humanity throughout history.
As for back as the very oldest civilizations, secular religious devotion was a deliberate causing effect of wars and the attempt to
alienate others races and civilizations.
The Christian crusades in Europe during the middle ages to use but one example.
Even the ancient Hebrews with support of their god Yahweh would attack other tribes out religious indifference and prejudice.
That's why arguments of atheists vs believers is so tiresome. The fact is that people across the spectrum can do terrible bad or profound good. All are motivated by similar things--greed, hatred, power, love, compassion. We evolved as social creatures with an amazing ability to cooperate and help each other. This gave us a leg up so to speak. On the other hand, we still carry the capacity to do great harm. The thing that often disturbs me is that when such hatred is religiously motivated, no sacrifice is too great. A nation seeking power or land may reach a point where the cost is too high. No cost is too high in a religious battle though.
And so I offer the wise words of Led Zeppelin!
The pain of war cannot exceed the woe of aftermath
Unfortunately when the pain of war is death, the aftermath is Heaven (paradise, happy hunting grounds, Valhalla, whatever) for a believer, so where does it stop?
I have always Taken my Lord's words to heart:
Love and pray for those the persecute you.
If there is ONE thing that breaks the circle of hate and violence, that thing is love and forgiveness.
Psac, what creates hate and violence most of the time?