An example of the effects of religious theory
Effects of the Evolution Theory
by mankkeli 56 Replies latest watchtower bible
greed, ideology taken to extremes, nationlism taken to extremes, insecurity, fear, fighting over resouces, appropriation - all these things create hate and violence
Psac, what creates hate and violence most of the time?
If one goes back far enough you have two things: fear and intolerance/notion of superiority.
Fear is an easy one but the latter requires a bit more explanation.
People ( tribes) tend to want things and believe they are entitiled to things and they do not tolerate others having what they want, so they take it.
You can't have intolerance without a notion of "I am better than you".
Both fear and intolerance are engrained in human nature.
superiority is a good one psac and it is usually born of insecurity.
An example of the effects of religious theory
If you want to play this game, so can I.
An example of the effects of areligious theory.
Guys, lets not get into THAT dick measuring contest again.
Its been shown over and over the MAN will commite attrocious acts on each other and use ANY ideology as an excuse.
The problem isn't religion or lack of it, it is MAN and always has been.
Mad Sweeney
Quick question: Why are we feeding this troll?
Billy the Ex-Bethelite
Do you see such improvement occurring? The book Clinging to a Myth commented on De Chardin’s optimism: “De Chardin must have been quite oblivious of the history of human bloodshed and of racist systems such as apartheid in South Africa. He sounds like a man who is not living in this world.” Rather than progress toward unity, humanity in this century has experienced racial and national division on an unprecedented scale.
The article is wrong on many levels. Slavery predates the theory of evolution by centuries. Ancient Israel's god endorsed the practice of slavery, systematic genocide and a national policy of legal child molestation. Anybody that has romantic notions of the "good old days before evolution" is living in a fantasyland. Before Darwin, lions weren't eating straw, they were eating their prey alive, just like god designed them. And religious leaders didn't heal people with a touch. Religious fanatics were trying to pray away the Bubonic Plague.
Statements such as "humanity in this century has experienced racial and national division on an unprecedented scale" are Watchtoweresque in painting the world to suit their agenda. They really want to return the world to the dark ages of when everyone was enslaved to the superstitious religious authorities.
Apartheid ended in 1994. How old is this particular piece of litteratrash?
Long before evolutionary theory, European christians viewed cultures outside themselves as inferior and not to be respected. They viewed the people in such cultures as subservient. Slavery (as practiced by Europeans and Americans) and colonialism was made possible by the the prejudice fostered by religion. I have to disagree with you to an extent. Europeans had a mixed response to cultures outside themselves. Yes in one sense they did view cultures outside of themselves as inferior but these cultures also made them feel inadequate because they saw how completely different societies managed themselves successfuly. This then occasioned for them a downgrading of European culture as just one among others.
Of course, we have different viewpoints concerning the main cause of violence. I believe that a person is born, and their mind is tabula rasa, or a blank slate. Everything taught to the child, every interaction forms an effect which is exemplified by actions later on in life. I would say that, personally, isolation is the main cause of violence. Everything that you both gave as examples are all differences, for instance, you believe in something different, you live somewhere else, etc. The ideology that human beings are all different is the main causation of hate and violence. For instance I hate you because you have more (financially different), and I want it, so I will attack you to gain it. Primitive thought, and of course most don't think that way anymore. I would say that, in recent times, racial and religious differences have cause the most violence among human beings. Of course a form of ethnicism (a form of racism), is perfectly exemplifed in the Bible (Old Testament), with the exploits of the Israelites. Race is a falsity itself. I'm sure you know where the basis of skin color originates, so I won't go into that. And ethnicity is only traditional practices in a certain geographic location. The more we realize that what is essence in me is essence in you, the closer we can get to love and forgiveness. Praying for those who persecute you does nothing. Help others realize equality, and you will eliminate hate and violence. Religion is one of, if not THE most primal example of human isolation and thus is one of the largest motivating factors in hate and violence. So promoting religious acts while discussing hate and violence is sort of hypocritical.