Effects of the Evolution Theory

by mankkeli 56 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • PSacramento

    I'm Portuguese and raised and educated (up untill HS) in Portugal and our history is quite clear on how and why we started the black slave trade and it had very little to do with religion.

    We viewed ourselves as superiour to those "black savages" and because we conqured them, we could do what we pleased, including shipping thewm in boats across that atlantic.

    Yes, religious people SHOULD have voiced that slavery was wrong a lot louder than they did, but the question of slavery was far more than a moral one at the time, it was a social-economical one and only later did the moral wrongness of slavery OVERCOME the economic rightness of slavery.

    And, if I recall correctly, it was a "christian moral outrage" that drove to abolish slavery.

  • NewChapter

    Soft and Gentle,

    Europeans had the notion that they were benefitting these non-christian cultures by destroying and subjugating them. There was no prevailing feeling of inadequacy, quite the contrary. European heads of state met at the Congress of Vienna and divvied up Africa between them all. Do you know who was not there? ANY African. Your view is romantic. They viewed these people as subhuman and had no respect whatsovever for their complex cultures and religion. They simply viewed them as primitive and uninformed.

    Your view sounds good in the rewrite, but it was not the reality.


  • PSacramento

    I recall a studied that showed that even babies have the capacity for violence before they have learned it.

    Babies are prown to "smack and kick" when they don;t get their way, anyone that has has children knows this and even at the most early of ages they do this.

    To say that violence has to be learned is something I disagree with.

    Almosy all living creatures (certaibly primates) are born with an innate sence of violence, it is needed for survival.

    I am not sure if I agree that racial (certaibly not religion) cause the most violence, I think it may b e a tribal and even a social class thing.

    Look at the example in Russia and Cambodia and China, same race killing it's own in numbers far beyond we have ever seen before.

    The bible teaches that ALL humans are equal, that ALL are the same and ALL created in the image of God, that all humans are caretakers of the world and each other, that is the first teaching you get from the bible.

    From my personal experience, love and forgiveness are indeed what breaks the circle of hate and violence.

    I do however accept that your, and others, milage may vary.

  • thetrueone

    Mankkeli's proclamation that evolution as an ideological concept has cause mankind dire consequences since its founding acceptance is

    ridiculously false. One could easy counter point the argument in the other direction and say religion and religious indifference infused with

    prejudice has had more dire consequences for humanity, the latter being more acutely true.

    There nothing like good old fashion Watchtower brainwashing to spin people's minds in avoidance of factual truth.

  • sabastious
    Alice - stop spouting already debunked tripe.

    When "manky" started spouting off about us basically worshipping Hasen and Franz I started to suspect... if she's back what is this like the 7th time?


  • TheUbermensch

    I'm sorry, I think you missed the point. I did not say, or mean to say, that religion BEGAN racism or ethnicism, I just meant that in most holy books these things are practiced.

    And honestly botchtower, as if the entire Nazi party was motivated by areligious belief, as if that was the main contribution to their ideas.

    Should I provide a picture of the Inquisition? Or the World Trade Center? Or the Crusades? Or genocide? Or provide chapters, books, or verses in the Bible that show God allowing his "people" to completely massacre others? Please.

  • PSacramento
    I'm sorry, I think you missed the point. I did not say, or mean to say, that religion BEGAN racism or ethnicism, I just meant that in most holy books these things are practiced.

    Oh yes, absolutely and at times appearently condoned by God.

    I think that issue of the "lack of morality" of the OT God is one that has been discused quite a bit and I have suggested some reading to get a possible pserspective on the issue, that said we canNEVER remove MAN from the equation, no matter how much bible inerrantists want to.

    Man wrote what he believed and understood came from God, that he didn't always get it right is also obvious from reading the OT but that doesn't change what was written.

    I view the bible as a progressive revelation of God's will, one that takes into account ( accomodates) WHO God is speaking to, THROUGH who He is speaking and TO WHOM. That all changed when Christ came and what we see in Christ is the true representation of God, His living Word, so anything that is in the OT that SEEMS to contridict CHrist is obsolete, over ruled and an "error" ( depending on what was written).

    Of course I am a Christian and as such this is what I believe based on what I read in the NT, base don what I see in God as He has revealed Himself to Us in the universe we see and the world we live in.

    I may be prove wrong, but this is what I believe based on what I have learned and reasoned.

  • MrFreeze

    That's the great thing about science. Origin of Species was a great starting point, but science has advanced so much since then. Some of Darwin's work was proven wrong but as is the case with good science, when proven wrong, scientists don't try to hide that fact, or make excuses. Unlike religion, which is so stuck in its ways.

  • PSacramento
    Unlike religion, which is so stuck in its ways.

    Not always buy yes, typiclaly because religion is an ideology and nOT a science.

    It isn't self correcting, it must BE corrected unlike science that is, in its nature, "self correcting" because something only becomes science when it is observable and repeatable.

    Ideologies, and most things in life truth be it said, are NOT like that.

    But when religion becomes secondary to the ORGANIZATION then what takes priority is maintaining the status quo.

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    Started reading the original post and thought, gee this sounds familiar! It is! I used much of it in a public talk about 6 or 7 years ago. The exact name of the outline escapes me...

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