JWoods said: " Paterno and the Athletic Director certainly HAD TO KNOW about Sandusky's behavior long prior to kicking him out of association with the school, and the HAD TO HAVE HAD A HAND IN COVERING IT UP."
Agreed. Authorities are investigating whether Sandusky was forced to retire in 1999 (after the first police investigation) in exchange for a coverup. Mark Madden reported that yesterday when he talked about the rumor of the boys being pimped out to donors. The other thing he mentioned was that they're also investigating whether the Second Mile was a slush fund to hide payments to athletes.
As far as the boys being pimped out, I think when they say "wealthy donors", they're not referring to your average charity giver. Pedophiles have always had ways to find each other and once the word got to that network (NAMBLA?) that for the right price, you could have an eight-year-old under the guise of a charity donation, it doesn't seem that far-fetched anymore.