A Beautiful Mind

by speechless 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • gumby

    Way to bBoyneko! You gave the whole frickin story away after the previous posts were asking everyone not to give it away.
    Tattletale, buger face! All the revenue that will be lost from this board from those that won't see it now cuz of you! I hope your really proud of yourself!

    Just Kidd'in

  • plmkrzy

    I haven't seen it yet. I'm going to go today!

  • teejay

    The movie has never passed itself off as a documentary and should not be viewed that way. Who cares how much of it accurately follows the life of a living (or dead) character? What's important and meaningful is what plays out on the screen and what meaningful message they can take home with them.

    On that level, A Beautiful Mind 'works' very, very well.

    As far as I'm concerned, it sits on a level just above movies like The Crucible, The Matrix and The Truman Show and others, all excellent "message" movies for ex-JWs.

  • Seeker

    If you've seen any commercial or trailer for it, you've seen more of the story than bboyneko said. Hollywood doesn't want you to go to the movies nowadays without knowing the full story ahead of time. That's why so many movie trailers cover the entire story arc from start to finish. It's the McDonaldiztion of entertainment -- you know what you're getting before you walk in, and people seem to like it that way.

    I like how the movie portrays loyalty and love, when it real life they split up long ago because she couldn't stand his behavior any more. They then got back together and about a year ago remarried. Not quite the message of this Hollywood fantasy, but a lot more realistic when dealing with such behavior in a human being.

  • teejay

    you know what you're getting before you walk in, and people seem to like it that way.

    Hello, Seeker.

    I think bboy did divulge a little too much info for those who haven't seen it. (It would be cool if he edited his post, but that's up to him.) If *I* had read what he wrote prior to going to see it, an important aspect of the movie would have been ruined for me. I'll tell you why...

    The movie trailers (at least the ones *I* saw) left me thinking that the movie was nothing more than a war-time thriller: Nash knew too much and the bad guys were out to get him. I had no clue of what was really going on with Nash--I saw everything from HIS point of view--until his wife went to the garage 2/3 of the way in. That scared the stuffings out of me for some reason--at the movies I'm usually a couple of steps ahead of the director.

    Because I had been so thoroughly fooled by what had taken place up till then is just another reason why the movie worked so well for me personally. In a way, for a brief few seconds, the movie allowed me to experience just exactly what Nash lived with, and it terrified me. It really did.

    Forget the liberties the movie takes with the life of Nash and forget Crowe's outstanding performance. It's the message that I got from it that made the movie one of the best I've ever seen.

  • Robdar

    "Not wishing to reveal the content, I can only say the final remark by Nash saying "I am here because of love" is so true..."

    Sorry, Speechless; John Nash never said those words. As a matter of fact, he wasn't allowed to give a speech at the awards ceremony. The Nobel committee thought that he would embarrass himself.

    You can find out more about the real John Nash on line. His true story is more interesting than some trite Hollywood movie.

  • patio34


    It's great to see you on here more. You said

    SO the story you see on the screen is about 20% fact and 80% hollywood fantasy.
    The way i see it is that movies are comparable to artistry. The artist does not attempt to paint a photograph, that's available using another medium. Fictionalized accounts do embellish and leave out (although i'd put the ratio more to 80:20) incidents that don't contribute to the overall theme. Just as an artist paints out some features or adds/embelishes others. The artist's objective is to present a final image of something very beautiful that will appeal to others. He doesn't claim it to be an exact representation, just as this movie doesn't claim to be a documentary, as Teejay said.

    For what it's worth,

  • speechless

    robdar -

    did I not in fact say the movie 'somewhat' reflected the life of John Nash.

    But that is besides MY point!

    Ron Howard, at the end of the movie, sent a message (one which I find to be quite true based on personal experience!)

  • Robdar

    "did I not in fact say the movie 'somewhat' reflected the life of John Nash"

    Sure you did but you also said: "..., I can only say the final remark by Nash saying "I am here because of love" is so true..."

    I merely pointed out that John Nash did not say that. He never even gave a speech. That part was made up in Hollywood.

    Sorry Speechless; love never saved John Nash. Alicia left him, remember? John Nash's determination saved John Nash.

    "Ron Howard, at the end of the movie, sent a message (one which I find to be quite true based on personal experience!)"

    I am glad that your personal experience was different from John's. If only we were all so lucky.

    Chill, brother.

  • waiting

    Agreeing with whoever said that the movie was NEVER presented as a documentary - because it wasn't. But it was good - really, good.

    To be able to sit back in the comfort of our seats and be able to feel, identify with, look into the mind of someone who has a mental/emotional disorder - for every minute of the long rest of their lives is a gift. It enables us to develop empathy for the crazy dude we meet in the street. To see what, perhaps, he sees.

    I also don't see how his wife was able to live with him as long as she did - and then remarry him. A remarkable woman.

    A great movie for that reason, imho.


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