Please don’t be guilty of committing the sins you have indicted the WatchTower of

by mankkeli 184 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Morbidzbaby

    Every last one who left left because The Organization apostisized. The org left us. We believed we were following the One to whom salvation belongs.

    Well, not all of us...Some were brought into this filth of a cult by birth and had no choice in the matter. Some of us quit believing at a very young age, but had no choice but to continue on into adulthood for fear of losing family and friends (because the only ones we had were also enslaved to the cult). Some of us are not believers whatsoever in anything Biblical and don't believe in salvation, etc. Those of us who fall in this category DID leave the Organization and are vocal about our non-belief, so in that sense I feel that we ARE apostates. And I wear the moniker proudly.

    As for not judging, etc... Well, honestly, how many of us can say we don't judge at ALL? It's human nature. That's why the saying "The first impression is a lasting impression" exists. We are judged and we judge others based on what we perceive them to be from what they portray of themselves. We NEED to judge others in order to make certain we aren't falling into the hands of people who are unsavory or dangerous...or even simply to make sure we are associating ourselves with people we will get along with.

    There are certain "unsavory" characters who visit and troll this board who ARE guilty of the same types of crimes against individuals as the Watchtower is. Calling them out on their behavior isn't judging, it's stating truth from their own words. It's also warning others about their activities (which include lying, fabricating stories for sensationalism to attract others to their "Cause", stealing photos from other websites and claiming they are one person when they are not, misquoting, quote mining, etc). I think it's only fair that those who are new to this board are made aware of the habits of such people and know to take them with a huge grain of salt-lick size.

    As for OUTLAW and others, they bring an air of comedy and lightness to otherwise serious subjects. The funny thing is, you say we should examine ourselves and whether we show our true colors to the outside world...yet you call out certain members of this board who DO JUST THAT.

  • Morbidzbaby

    NRFG: PLEASE tell me that post was totally sarcastic and that's NOT how you really feel... I'd hate to think we've lost you back to the bOrg...

  • charlie brown jr.
    charlie brown jr.



  • JRK

    I will try to be dignified. But mankelli is an @$$.


  • NewChapter

    From this point forward, I would very much appreciate it if everyone on this board speak clealy and not couch terms in hard to understand terms. For instance, if you mean to say ass, then please say so. Saying @$$ just forces me to go down an endless line until I reach the word that I think is the intended sentiment:

    all, asp, axe, ark, act, ace,

    You see my problem. Thank you.


  • charlie brown jr.
    charlie brown jr.

    So it wasn't another Ape????

  • mankkeli

    NewChapter - Please open a new chapter in your mental chaplain and stop behaving like a new chap without a spiritual championship swagger.

  • N.drew

    LOL! Good one NC!

    She's being funny, I'm sure, so if you want to stay, don't get in the habit of swearing. But I might add that this FORUM IMHO is the fairest in the land.

    NC you made me forget what I was posting.....

    I'm posting a response to noroomforgeorge. (NRFG) But it's on anothe page

    If only those on this message board would be shamed enough to submit to humility and come back to God's Chosen Organization, then they would experience peace and unity, not to mention an abundance of spiritual food. It's evident by the vitriol and contention found on this message board that posters here are starving spiritually.

    not "peace and unity" it's numb dumbness*

    I hate the "happy" face too, I do.

    * None of my stuff is copyrighted. Amen!

  • JRK


    Ass. Is that better? ;)


  • james_woods
    NewChapter - Please open a new chapter in your mental chaplain and stop behaving like a new chap without a spiritual championship swagger.

    Maybe you should set the example by not acting like a troll.

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