Ridiculous elder ideas and rules

by Juan Viejo2 58 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • james_woods

    Or, (on the color of highlighters) it did occur to me that maybe the elders observed somebody using a black magic marker to redact objectionable areas like the government does on the Area 51 UFO papers -

  • Quentin

    Highlighters?.....we used pencils and pens to UNDERLINE comments...wonder what kind of trouble I'd get in these days, eh?

  • charlie brown jr.
    charlie brown jr.

    What would be said for coloring in every O in the watchtower because you're So BORED??????????????????

  • Justitia Themis
    Justitia Themis

    Tacoma Narrows Congregation--they started roping off the back rows to force the congregation to sit in the front rows. It lasted less than a month; I think it got a lot of push-back from the cong.

  • Quarterback

    Yes, JT, I can relate to that one. We visited a congregation and sat on the right side of the aisle. We were told that because this cong was small, we should sit in the middle. We just said that our cong is big so we will follow the big cong rules.

    It is crazy that rules are enforced and they act as if it is scriptural.

  • 00DAD

    I'm still trying to figure out how an organization that had a leader that would allow himself to be photographed dressed like this:

    Freddie: Nightmare on Columbia Heights

    would prohibit men from wearing sports coats because they didn't think they looked appropriate!!!

    This is just wrong on so many levels:

    1. The Shirt - This in itself is clearly sinful. It's not like he's outside raking leaves or something! But then there's also ...
    2. The Tie - Who in their right mind* wears a tie with a flannel shirt!?!?!? At least it could have been black and a knit tie. But wait, there's more,
    3. The Tie Bar - Seriously! With this ensemble!!!
    4. The Pens in the Pocket - Not one, not two, but three pens - count 'em! I think the middle one might even be a blue highlighter (see above post for details). At least he doesn't have a Pocket Pal protector in there too!!!
    5. The Bible - This is in case we forgot he is supposed to be a "spiritual man"

    This is definitely a GQ Fashion DON'T shot!!!

    * "A number of factors-including past religious beliefs or even mental or emotional imbalance-might cause some to assume mistakenly that they have the heavenly calling." - w2011 8/15 p. 22

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    I can confirm what 00DAD stated as I was the SIL of the PO. Along with those rules u can add:

    No sports coats, even for bookstudy.

    No long sideburns.

    No brother was considered serious about his repsonsibilities unless his wife was pioneering, even if it meant a top ramen diet.

    No one is allowed to associatte with other JW's from other congregations. I was in the middle of this once because a sister had a large gathering of single people. Most were from other congregations. Basically the PO stood in front of me and lambasted us for it. "What business do u have with these other congregations?" My answer was "World Wide Brotherhood?"

    No dancing at weddings. They finally made an exception when his older daughter got married.

    No trips with single people. Only married couple were allowed on trips together, even if evryone was staying in seperate rooms.

    Single people couldn't be in a car together, even in service.

    I was counseled for driving back from San Diego with my fincee. There were two brothers in the back seat. What the hell is going to happen with two brothers in the back seat while we drive 70 miles an hour on the freeway?

    No more than 1 earing per ear for the sisters.

    He relaxed a little on the 4 door thing on cars because he bought a small truck for his business, and I bought a 2 door because thats all I could afford at the time.

    A sister may NEVER correct a brother. And I mean NEVER. The PO once blasted my wife in front of me over it. My replay was that next time I step in front of a train, I hope my wife has the brains to "correct me".

    The white shirt requirement was very true. The brothers did have a shirt ready for a brother should he show up in anything less. Also the style of the suit had to be conservative. I was counciled on that although I thought I was conservative.

    If you gave a public talk and joked from the podium or on any other part, get ready for a nasty review. The elders in that congregation bragged about the many brothers whom they didn't invite back. It was stressed that "the truth is not a laughing matter, lives are at stake!"

    This is off the top of my head, there's more

  • 00DAD

    wha happened? - What the hell is going to happen with two brothers in the back seat while we drive 70 miles an hour on the freeway?

    Ah the stories I could tell ...

  • 00DAD

    james_woods - Thanks for the tip! I'm going right out and by myself a Black Magic marker and then come home and listen to some Santana!

    Black Magic Woman

  • truth_b_known

    How about the thought process on how such rules are made? Are you ready? Here it is:

    Everything is labelled as one of the following -

    1) It is "examplary"

    2) It is "acceptable"

    3) It is "questionable"

    4) It is "unacceptable"

    Here is how I learned this:

    My presiding overseer and congregation secretary took me into the elder conference room. They told me that at last weekend's Circuit Assembly the District Overseer did not approve of my new haircut (I got a military-style buzzcut for health reasons). They then told me they District Overseer told them that the evil empire uses the above system to address everything and that he said my haircut was "questionable".

    I told my father about this and he shook his head. He said that if anything is "questionable" to a person they have not done enough research in the matter and so they shouldn't form an opinion. I take it a step further.

    What is the different between "examplary" and "acceptable"? The answer is that acceptable is what God finds something to be. Otherwise it would be unacceptable to him and written in the scriptures. "Examplary" is what the evil empire labels as "Becoming of a posterchild for the evil empire". So, in other words, it's pleasing to men. Especially if those men are the Governing Body.

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