00DAD, I haven't even scratched the surface.
I never got an explanantion for the association problem with other JW's from other congregations. I speculate that he had the same proplem as the GB. Anyone who looks outside the group might find a different answer. Believe me, I studied and was baptized in this cong so I thought this was how it worked. I was shocked when I moved to White Oak. People would actually greet me and shake my hand.
I don't know if u remember the 25-30 publishers that left all at once. It was beciuase I left along with his daughter to a different cong and I was the only one to have the balls to do it. That's why White oak received about 30 cards. And BTW, we all received negative information on our cards. Even his own pioneer daughter, and anyone serving at the time.
Then for months afterwards, different elders would bug me to return and stop all the shennagins. I made my point, now be a man and come back to Woodley park.
Oh and one brother decided to have a formal dance. From the platform we were told not to attend. Those who did lost their privilkedges and the brother who threw the formal couldn't serve in the cong he left to in another state because of what they wrote on him